Iron adventures: return of the FOIS 35

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The sucker blaster is destroyed, and round two is about to begin, and the commander won't back down easily.

    "Ha ha ha, finally, I have the bigger stick then you super lamoes, prepare to fall!" "Big, that's a good idea." Jeremy activated his com. "Jarvis, release the zords." "Go legendary." "Go Dino." "Go delta." "Go wand." "Go quick." "Go go go!" The zords came racing onto the scene. The plesio, brachio, and T-Rex zords grew. "Ha ha ha, your zords are no match for my power!" "Let's bust out the megazord force." "Zords combine!" "Megazord force, ready!" "Super drive mode, activate!" Ten super drive sabers appeared, bulking up their armor, and powering up their megazords. The ten megazords charged, intent of defeating the commander." "I have studied all your moves, I'm practically invincible!" He definitely wasn't kidding, every move the team tried, he countered them all. "Grrr, we need to try something else." "Let's try some other configurations." They rearranged the zords into a few new configurations. But nothing worked. "Ha ha ha, like I said, your nothing!" "Ugh, he's just too strong." "Well there's gotta be something that this guy doesn't have a counter measure for." "Jarvis, do you have anything for us?" "Hang on, just a few more seconds aaaaand, got it, I just finished calibrating the zords to enable you to combine all ten megazords." "That might give us the edge we need." "Let's do it." Suddenly, there was a giant explosion, the commander had fired a giant laser at them, when the smoke cleared, all the zords were charging at him. "Alright, let's go for the ultimate combination." "Zords combine!" One by one, the zords combined into their biggest, possibly most powerful megazord yet. "Iron max ultrazord, ready!" "What power!" "Yeah, the strength of this ultimate combination is enough to go toe to toe with this loser, and then some." "Yeah, and now, it's ultra boom time!" "Let's kapow this loser!" The iron max ultrazord began walking into a barrage of laser fire, and the megazord wasn't fazed one bit. "Yeah, this creep's going down for sure." "Ha, even if your a little bigger then me, I'll still destroy you!" "You can try, but no way do you have the fire power to take this megazord down!" The megazord powered up for the final attack. "Ultimate victory charge!" A laser blast for each zord fired at the commander, direct hit. "No! I will not accept defeat!" A shame he couldn't move anymore, he exploded in a furious fireball.

    On the destroyer, general skull was running out of patience. "Argh, almost everyone here is useless, every time a plan is cooked up, the super iron avengers ruin it in seconds!" "Skully, don't lose hope yet, we still have our ultimate weapon." "Yes, when will it be ready?" "A few more days." "Excellent, the malevolence will strike fear into even the iron avengers."

At long last, Stella and Steve cosmos, the masters of fire and ice, have been avenged by their children. But the FOIS may be planning to avenge all their fallen commanders with its ultimate weapon. Will the iron max ultrazord be enough to destroy this weapon? Stay tuned to find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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