-2- Hunting Trips

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The diner had five waitresses, one of which was in training. Courtney was the other beside Hazel, but she was out of state visiting relatives in Colorado until Sunday. Bee was in training, so she only worked during the week when the days weren't so busy and the nights were fairly easy to manage.

Amaya left, followed out by an elderly couple that lived across town. Nellie left to return to work, and the place gradually became empty again, minus a stray family that would be my last table to serve before Hazel arrived in all her overly-confident glory. She strutted in, decked out with her strikingly red heels that matched the color of the booth cushions. Unlike Amaya and I, she actually tried when it came to the dress code. She even wore 80s styled skirts and cute bows in her amber curls

"Hey Lily, Vince," she beamed, flashing me a massive smile. I stole a fleeting glance at Vince, who stood in the opening in the wall with a blank look on his round face. As she basically galloped down the bar, she caught sight of the family sitting at a four-top and waved, receiving a set of smiles in response. "So word around town says we had an interesting event happen here this afternoon," she said as she tossed her coat onto a hook and tied on her apron. "Where's Amaya?"

"She wasn't feeling good so she left early," I answered, turning to the window to catch Vince's eye. We both shared a look that could only be perfected by over-exaggerated sighs.

"That's unfortunate," Hazel chirped, sounding way too happy for what was just said. She twirled over to me and sighed through her nose, since she was too busy smiling with her mouth. She propped herself up against the counter beside me, leaning her elbows down behind her. "Well, I think I can handle everything here if you wanna sign out."

"Wonderful," I bit out, giving her a smile that hurt too much for what it was worth. She returned it, but at least hers was more genuine. "I'll see ya later Vince."

"Tomorrow morning, bright and early," he called out to me as I swept my coat off its hook and shouldered my rucksack. Swinging my keys tied to a shoelace, I pulled it over my head and around my neck before ditching the diner and heading straight for the shop right next door. Bennet's family's name, the Karstens, was carved onto the sign hung on the door, next to (of course) a fish hooked on a line.

I pushed open the door and sighed internally when I saw Amaya sitting behind the counter. Mary was off chatting away to a customer, who was probably just a friend stopping by, so I took the distraction as a chance to talk to Amaya alone.

"I told you to go home. This doesn't look like home, missy," I accused, shaking a finger at her as she curled her shoulders in and leaned over her knees with a weak shrug.

"Sorry. Mary offered to make me muffins and I just couldn't resist," she confessed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "How was the rest of work?"

"Slow. But thankfully no nut jobs came in after that. They're attracted to you, Amaya, not me," I joked, causing her to laugh. At least it wasn't a sore subject. "Sorry I had to kick ya out there. Seemed like you needed a break."

"Meh, no harm done. It was just... disturbing. I'm glad I didn't stick around. I might've thrown up," she admitted, making a gagging motion while I laughed, sitting myself on the ground beside her with my back resting against the wood paneling that surrounded the wood shop. I rolled my head to the side, staring up at her expectantly as she hesitantly turned her eyes down to mine.

"I think... she was warning me about something." Her voice was vague, like she was recalling a ghost that she knew didn't exist, but it was discomforting knowing that it might be there. The eeriness in her presence was setting me off, and like anything that disturbed me I didn't take it seriously.

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