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Dedicated to CrushedViolets
Thanks for all your support❤️❤️ I love reading your comments 😊

So, who likes celebrating special occasions and holidays with fireworks? Do you think werewolves would like them for their ceremony? 😉😉
Speaking of ceremonies....

A searing pain began on her neck before radiating out to all her nerves, racing up and down her spine, and settling somewhere in her stomach. A throbbing ache that weakened her knees and had her clinging to him like a hopeless romantic.

He'd just marked her. Claimed her. And she would always be his.

The thought should've sickened her, but the feather-light kisses he placed on the mark immediately after had her mind reeling in feelings of softness and...desire? Heat rushed from her core all the way to her fingers that rested near his neck, and she smoothed her hands over his broad shoulders before pulling him closer.

When her lips tasted his skin, the stubble that ran down his jaw and evened out down his neck, she strangely forgot all the contempt and despise she'd felt for him. This was her mate, her mate, and all she wanted was to claim him and never let him go.

She kissed him lightly, then extended her teeth, finding just the right spot before marking him. His body tensed under hers, his grip tightening around her waist. She smiled against the mark, awed at the effect she had on this big bad alpha.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. The whisper that reached her ear, her name moaned in his husky voice, made her realise he had just as much effect on her. His eyes searched hers, his breathing heavy as they stared at each other.

A new awareness sunk in her mind and beat in her chest. She could feel him, sense him, understand a fraction of his thoughts and emotions. And right now, it was her that consumed most of them.

The wild sound of clapping and cheering interrupted their moment, and they pulled away to smile at the joyous crowd. Tears sprung to Chesca's eyes as she watched their happy faces. Her pack was going to be ok. She'd done this all for them, but when she looked at the handsome man beside her who still held her waist tightly, she wondered if Lexi had been right. Maybe she was doing this for herself also.

The cheese on her cracker normally tasted really good, but now with all the knots twisted in Chesca's stomach, it may as well have been cardboard.

"Good job, Alpha. I'm proud of you," Charles came up and handed her a drink.

"Thanks," she muttered dryly.

"I know it's seems hard, but I'm sure you and Kaiden will make a great couple one day," he patted her arm reassuringly and winked.

She tilted her head, not believing his words for much. Since they'd moved apart after the ceremony, she'd allowed reality and all the old feelings to come rushing back in. She distrusted Kaiden and knew nothing would really change that, no matter how deeply she looked in his eyes and understood a fraction of his thoughts towards her. She reached up and touched the still throbbing mark on the tender skin between her neck and shoulder.

"Hey Beautiful, looking forward to tonight?" a deep voice whispered near her ear.

She spun around. "Nothing is gonna happen tonight, so get over yourself," she hissed.

Kaiden shrugged casually and gave her a mischievous grin, "It was worth a try."

She watched him walk away with a confident swagger, and groaned when Alpha Asa came up to her. "Why do you hate me," she said with slight irritation and Asa just smiled knowingly, not taking any offence at her childish behaviour. It was her special day, so hopefully people were extending her this latitude.

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