Part Two

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20 feeds away from me staring out a litter window
the only light that came through the baseme you don't have to do this I promise I won't tell anybody what happened that day" "you think I came all this way just to kill" he begin to launch sound echoed through the walls "no we're gonna play a little game I like the call kill or be killed" My eyesight must be adjusting to the dark because I can see him smiling like a mad person. Then I know he won't let us Live alive. the basement room was as big as the cafeteria it was starting to sting I could see someone lots of shapes around me probably an old couch and large table lots and lots of chairs that Up high And I could make out another figure on the floor unconscious wearing the same uniform as me she was chained to the wall It lucy He puts his hands in his pocket he takes out two small black knives he throws one at me it lands on the floor beside my feet I pick it up with trembling fingers holding it up straight the rules are simple the first person who kills the other winds and do not even think about screaming the hole Place is sound proof "this is not even a fair fight"I shout out to him "the world is Is not a fair place you should know that." then he begin to run at Me With the intention to kill. we clash knives each knives making their own noise i hold The knive with two hands I tried to bring it up he tried to force it down then hods kicked me in my stomach which made me fall down I want to scroll up in a ball again but I knew if I stood there I'll surely die so I gather my strengths and begin to run in the other Direction I hitd behind then old looking couch that was in the basement hods was Walking look for me " still hiding Steven " hods look unit the table then behind a mountain of big boxs he kicked one of them and the hole mountain came down "COME OUT YOU COWl and fight me like man " he begin to shout out at me. I know I could now still here for forever And i need a plan and then idea came to mind. "dear you are you little Punk" He pushes me to go walk with one hand holding you in place "killing you with the knife will be too fast I much rather choke you with my own hands" he chokes me so hard that I dropped the knife "Murphy . Murphy McCoy" he he releases me And i fall to the floor he looks haunted like He never want to heard at Name Ever again "what do you knew" He he never got to finish that sentence because I just put a knife in his heart I watched him stomp around fall down I watch the live from his eyes fade away for a complete moment there was just silence intend I heard one clap slow clap I see where the sound was coming from it was Lucy who was clapping "not bad not bad" at all she said she took a bobby pin from her hair then pick up the chain she came up to me still clapping" you know for a moment there I thought we were going "First i want to thank for taking care of that piece of s*** "she did the kick dead corpse on the ground " what's wrong with you" I said in horror "Oh nothing just a little pay back" she said with the same smile that always make me smile now it just makes me want to puke then she kick his him one last time kick in the head and his head went fly Across the room "You are a psycho" I say to her Surprised of how calm I am under the situation she begins to laugh this whole school is pulled up psycho and sick people like me " why are you telling me all this now and Why am I here " I say to her in that same calming voice like nothing just happened " question is easy you graduated and therefore you're one us you are here to encourage your dad" I stop her at that " my dad is ailver " think might he did Survived the car Accident "Will not the one that pretended to be to be your dad the one you now at give bird to you" " what are you talk about i only have one dad" " actuallyc you have 2" I have mix feels about this. How does same one react to this kind of new. A part me was happe at i'm not orphan. but the other part of me want to know why did my mom pretend he didn't exist "I want to see" "i not know I have orders for him not to see you" "I want to see him now" I said the last Part with so much anger for a minute I thought I see her scared of me she put her hand over your hear she touched her earpiece then said something I didn't understood "ok then this way" we went into an elevator that I never noticed even existed we went down and there was a hole secret floor below the basement it was long always almost like in a real Hospital there were lots and lots of doors with patients a b c from the alphabetical order I can only imagine what was inside those doors we stopped at the door dad had a star symbol on it it was made from metal Lucy open the door a man leaning on the desk with his hands on its head he turned to face us once the door opened His skin is Pale has light brown curly hair. I A pair of thin, black-rimmed glasses rest on his nose and he is wearing a lab coat it is the same man i saw talk to the principal. with he see me we straightens there is an awkward silence between us " i leave you two to talk" Lucy said we wait for she to leave the room. " so I might you have a lot of questions" he said in a concern voice " I only have one. why didn't mum tell me about you." "Oh Megan it is a real Tragic what happen to know I try to get you back in my care Couldn't they were watching me. " who was watching you" I said curious to find out. He sings And set down. I set down too never takeing my eye of him. "It is a long story. We were both patients when we were born the doctors just said that we died they brought us here to experiment on us . Went we meet we have this strong connection between us. she was one of those few people who aren't broken we became friends Late we could talk with out see each other . Call it telekinesis. She would come up with the craze Escape Plan and we would talk about all the thingWe would do when we escape" he said it with a smile like he was imagine every one have some kind of a ability here. I not know what Drake Alex Mander was doing but it was working but it all so came with a price just like every other things on this damn planet. Every time we use it we can't stop feeling things can we just stop feeling anything" "We just stopped using it"
it I have given up on about escaping but she wouldn't one of the many things I love about her and then she came up with the creepiest planet ever it was so crazy that it was genius when the doctors came experiment she went willingly and then the last minute before she pretended to panic and grab one of the doctors keys after she found me we were one of those Lab coats. doctor's wear enter blue surgeon mask cover faced she give me a Boost on her back the doctors and didn't even notice I still can't believe that really planned work" now if you can laugh in your picture and that have you got back on the old days "but in the report only one of you escape" "Oh yes she was still recupercould what they did to her so I went home and all the cops I only had to show them some of my head injuries I am too believe me someone musta take them Drake Alex Mander off And then he put something in each patient of his making sure that they all died when he did I mean your mum never got that Dost so it didn't affect us after years passed by we still at nightmare of what we've been through and no one really knew who we are until Drake Alex Mander one of his relatives found us end haunted house we run of course but with you on the way it was hard to I know if we continue this you wouldn't make it so give myself up I hope your eyes and your mum's dead but I know your mum wouldn't allow me to go back to you I had to take my dead first so i did" "Then what are we doing here why haven't you tried to whiskey all the years" "You think I haven't your mum was the one with all the crazy Escape Plan" He spoke those words words like a man who's seen too much war and horrible things and has given up on holding onto hope a part of me wanted to say that it's never too late to give on but the other part of me now that it was a lie then something in my brain click "is your name Jack" "Only Megan called me that how do you know that name" before I could answer then the metal door open so she came inside "your time's up if you want to spend more time with each other you better hurry up and finish that Potion" Lucy said taking my arm and dragging me out of the room "the Potion what Potion" I shout back what potion are you talking about I snap back at her "nothing you need to worry about." " is Lucy even your real name" " you know how things are I had to protect my coversince but if are going to work a lot Sarah MacLean" my heart skips a beat the "Reaper" I say but my voice sounds much calmer than I imagine it would have she smokes at me " so you did read my file" I got back when I told her the lie about the teacher confiscating my game she didn't even cared that we didn't even find it "you wanted me to have those files but why" "it's only fair you know something about us after all we know everything about you" other familiar voice saying that it was Connor then 3 move familiar face pop out from the Shadows you were all wearing the same uniform as I was with the black pants white shirt grey sweater but I never expected you to use that knowledge to defeat hops you know the only way to defeat him was if he was in front of you very close to you so you still in the same spot or him to find you and you know that he won't kill you faster with a knife because it said in his file that he likes to kill his victims slowly and then you mentioned his name something he wasn't expected that really suits you for a second that second was the only time you need to put the knife in his heart no I don't think it was a good idea to give you those files he said with laughing "Steve you know Connor or should I mention him by his real name James Hexmen" "the cracker" I say he is salute me and then she finds out an older lady quite her hair tied up in a ponytail black long skirt in a white shirt you know her as Mr cough my science teacher he goes as hero Cooper but Mrs x then she pointed a boy older than me wear glasses and have brown hair you was wearing black clothes It Nick wind the CIA Guy"Caleb Allister the" "burn " I finish for her. she Nod so wasn't Nick a part of this all alone I remember the time it was in my class pretending to be her teacher I was so scared about that but right now I don't feel scared anymore "so Steve you killed one of us with no training will like you to become one of us" I knew I had no choice if I didn't become one of them they'll kill me I nod . Then sarah Smiled me and give me a Golden Ring I put it on "welcome to the Nightcrawls" I fake a smile like I'm actually glad to be one of them tomorrow you begin your training my what your training you defeated Hobbs because he underestimated you but others won't indeed will kill you Sarah brought me back to my room like a prisoner "So I think we should cancel that date was "Sarah said blushing like nothing has happened was she serious how could she think about date "yeah course" and without the second word I go inside and shut the door behind me I lay on my bed went did my live got so messed up thinking about all the think just happened did I imagine it all ? did joined an organisation of criminals ?i lift my hand up stare At it the hand at i kill some one with but there was no blood why wasn't there Blood on it ? I kill some one here sure but blood " why don't I feel anything" even serial killers feel something when they kill happy joy but I just feel so hollow It's like I forgot how to feel Then I remembered what Jack told me the more we use it less we feel but I haven't been using any ability I know I look at the time ‪10:30pm‬ I crawl up in my bed I noticed a frame picture of my Mum she want me on her back as my mum would my hands spread mouth wide I wanted my mum would be disappointed in me and fall asleep are there any dreams last night get out of bed get dressed get out of the working in the garden when someone takes me in the stomach and puts back over my head the time I have behind my back now sitting in some kind of chair take the back off my head it was Sarah James the training begins now you have one minute to escape struggle trying to escape restart the clock I struggle I can't get the Rope loose the time runs out in then James punches me in the the face Multiple times my eye is already bruised there is blood tripping out of my nose I feel my vision begin to blur "your punishment Failing the test" then there is Nick Nick gives me two small knives just like hods hen tells me to call him I don't want to see them so I don't any cuts me across the cheek He more so fast that I could barely see him "me cut me" I shake my head as in saying no then he adds my arm yelp pain can I throw myself against him but I miss he moves the side and I fall down again "get up" and I tried to cuddle again but again I miss him then sarah told me to pick a weapon off the wall the worst Roman weapons to choose from this place heading home from France to Nice to Cannes even the chainsword every weapon that you could possibly think of what's right here I chose a black sword she picks a small kitchen knife I run at Har She saw me coming from a mile away she throws the sword out of my Hand with only one move I pick up the sword did he run out again again she throws it out my hand like it was nothing And then I went to the library so I can study more about the techniques they were teaching me I looked up books on martial arts there were a lot of them begin reading them and be coming up with my own techniques next day to a chair tied behind my back again and I only have one minute to escape again I fail the test and then James comes and punches me in the face in the stomach and the face again I could tell that his hand is beginning to hurt from all the punches so James uses a 4 Finger Hole Handheld to again he wakes me up every time with a bucket of water meet with Nick I still didn't manage to cat them not even a ones now not even a scratch when I'm with Sarah she teaches me how to use different weapons how to shoot And point how to put the safety on and off Sarah tells me To fire at circle chart I miss every time everyday I go to the library to study more about the techniques to come up with better ways two weeks passed by and I fail every one of my training I'm with Nick for today's lesson I fail again then I hear Nick said to sarah "this isn't working we need a new techniqus When he kill hods it was with in real danger we need to put in that situation again So they let me Holding on to a side of a roof With only a tiny rope to hold on to hey guys I don't think this is going to work I felt back up to them it will work make sure you're back to me and then he left the side I was up on the side of the room holding onto a rope the only thing that's keeping me alive I tried to climb back up but I couldn't I begin to split but I managed to hold on tighter I look down and I mediately wish I didn't I was 15 ft in the air the view from below me look scary enough to make me wanna hold on to the Rope even tighter they were going to leave me here to die I. I Began to breathe heavily countdown Steve I told myself I close my eyes and took a deep breath then I remembered all the bad things that happened to me my parents accident me running into the woods running for my life what I found my real dad still being alive being hunted my parents pass how they were being treated and all of the pain and torture I had to go through it made me angry it made me want to punch somebody I just wanted someone to blame for all of it it's just wasn't there and then I remembered what hods said to me the world isn't fair place . No I'm not going to die like this not not after all the things I've been through I opened my eye again I slowed my breathing and I put one and above the other and then the other and then the next one and the next one until I was back on the road I lie there on the floor never in my life so so happy to have the cement ground against my back I smile when I put one hand up in the year of Victory finally passed one of them the next day I I was back in that chair it was only one way I can escape from this chair in one minute that is if I break one of my fingers I am should come loose I yelp in pain as I tried to do but the time pass by and I got punched again and again in the face again James said But I was already in so much pain that I had no trouble doing it next time the Worlds became loose around my arm I stood up and I punched James in the face I broke his nose but I didn't care and by the looks of it James didn't care either he smirk at me and begin to laugh Like I just said something funny with Nick we were in a dark place I could hear movement all around couldn't point where the noise was coming from I heard the wash of the sword cutting into the air Hey Stepaside that angele in Putney on my shoulder I hope that's the shape of pain finally got I hold the Knife in theIn my bad hand and I put my good hand over the cut take it deep red trying to imagine where the next attack will come from and then I hear the same saying no ways like someone Cutting Through the Air I immediately reflect this knife I can hear the cling to noise crashing this house I can make out Nick he brings his other on trying to punch me but I block it with my good arm no longer caring about the pain Nick duck down and swing his leg around the swing of his legs knocked me down. I get back up ready to fight again went i heard the same swing. This time I known were it is going from i knock the knife out of his head and hold it to his neck He froze i Bring a knife to his cheek and cut them a little bit "got you" I said smile ending the game. I stand there holding my gun Sarah sees me and come over to me she puts her hand on my then she takes it on where I put it and put it where it's supposed to be my other hand and puts it at the bottom of the gun and fire it lines straight in the middle I will back at her and see her that she's very close to me she blushes I could hear her heart pound and then she pulls away "that's good that's very good I think you're ready" "ready for what" I said bit companies "to go on a first mission It's a very simple mission you just have to kill a guy that's all" She said that like it was nothing like it was the simple thing a person can do but what if "I can't kill that guy" "you kill hods" " That was self defence if I didn't kill him you would" "call it whatever you want. but in the end you've still killed him" She sides "Look Steve I know you think that were all evil and all we want to do with his kill kill people but that's not true some of the people with kill are actually pretty bad even Bad than the US we make sure that those people don't exist" "Look who's making up excuses now" "The pointers is not all evil" " So if I call Dave my handler and tell him to come pick me up would you let me leave" Her silence says it all I was right they would rather kill me then let me leave. " " Don't worry if you can't kill him I'll take the shot Come on I'll be late for the presentation" I follow Sarah. It a smail Walls where cupboard in brakes there is a TV on the wall And their are 5 folders on the desk swe James Hero and Nick are already inside Waiting for us to start "Great Will here" hero said with fake Judaism "is he ready" hero said everybody looks at me. but Sarah is the one who responds "yes. He is" "ok then "let get stared Our target is CIO of photography Alex Howard Is throwing a big party for his 13 year old daughter In his mansion" Then Hero presence of button on a remote control in the shows the Sketch of the layout Sarah it will be your job to get us inside the party John Muir the youngest of us all you might pass from one her friends The rest of us were dressed up as waitress I will drop some champagne on him when he goes to the bedroom to get changed that's where John Stevethe you're the only ones that gets air conditioner you will wait for him to show up kill him then get out the same way there's no cameras in the bathroom so you won't be seen but you cannot leave the rest for me though because there'll be cameras everywhere the rest of you will be there in case of any trouble if they catch you like this she gives us all some kind of gun moment you swallow this you'll die a painless death everybody took one "why do we have to kill him." " We don't ask questions we just take orders from the boss" "who is this boss" "what is this 20 questions if you don't have the balls to do this then why are you even here" I hesitated then picked now go and get some rest" I stood there in bed and I really taking Innocent Life painting myself will I be able to pull the trigger maybe I don't even have to pull the trigger maybe James can pull it. James haven't been sleeping in this room since I joined nightcrawlers Glad that I don't a psycho sleeping with me Went to sleep how many times I found out that my dad is still alive in that the dreams I've been having actually movies this place stop dreaming about them I wake up in the morning and there is a taxi though on the inside of the bed iPad check myself in the closet mirror for a brief second I don't even recognise myself my hair was longer than I ever wanted it looks down to my neck my mum would Flip If she saw it she always complain that when my hair was too long I would look like a drug dealer the memory of my mother brought a smile to my Lips How did not realise this earlier I look like I wa coming home from the war on the tuxedo refunct be wearing something else in that uniform This close most expensive clothes I ever hadThe tuxedo was very simple it was black and white but black pants a shirt black white jacket and it had a red tie I agree strong knocked at my door I going up in it and it was Sarah she was wearing a black dress don't hurt me and black heels she had soft corals that wondered to her shoulders she haunts are peeing that had a name on it "Thomas mackerel" " I already give the other nightcrawlers their name tagswill be more easy for you to get inside you'll have one I know I didn't take it come on how they I follow Sarah outside the school it feels like I've been in that school for years when in fact it's only been 3 weeks so much has happened in last 3 weeks it feels good to get back into the real world we all went inside a black truck the rest of the nightcrawlers wear the same clothes as I did except for Girls that wear a simple black dress with heels The mansion was as big as the school if not bigger But I found it hard it only a couple of people who live here we went into the bank interest one of the card at the back door stop the same as to see the invitation shareagift the card over invitation not it and what I said me and James crawl up in the air conditioner We got out of there then we wait I in bedroom Couple of people went into the bedroom but they wanted to target then one minute later the cio of photography come in champagne on his shirt he tries to dry it with a towel James comes out of the bathroom pointing the gun to his head I go to the door took out the door making sure that no one comes in but I don't leave the restaurant because there's cameras there "please don't kill me I have a girl and wife" start begging for his life I look alway then I hear James say " you should have thought of that before you mean your boss angry" the cio of photography Throw himself against James knocking the gun onto the floor beside my feet I pick it up with shaking fingers pointed at one of them but now they're fighting James tells me to "shoot him" but I don't have a clear shot he heard what James said that try to runs towards me trying to get the gun out of my hand but I showed him then I showed him three timE And he Falls through the ground "thanks man son of a bastard" then he spits on him I'm horrified what just happened but my face doesn't shows it we just crawl back in air conditioner Back to the black truck back to the school I dreamt that I was running I look behind me and all my song with pitch Darkness the darkness was getting closer I Began to anything harder but it was no use but Darkness swallow me up and I fell fell into a pile of Bones I looked around me and I saw the head of the CIO photography he opened his mouth why did you get me I have kids my daughter is now going to find out that I died on her birthday how could you Steve" " oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kill you it was an accident I swear" I wake

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