Vampire Sora x Reader

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Hi guys and happy early Halloween hehe I know its not Halloween but it is right now though.

This was requested by Himethepotato so thank you for that. Also its a special day today because its my birthday yea!

Type = Thoughts


I was looking for my bestfriends Kairi, Riku, and Sora. We all got split up when darkness took over our world.
The last person I saw was Riku who said me from one of the members of the organization 13. Riku said he couldn't stay because he had a problem with something. Whatever that means? I saw Sora once but we got slipt up again.

I was running away from one the organization members right now because they want to take Kairi and me I don't know why though?

I think I'm safe now.

Walking in the woods that I have no clue where I'm at was starting to worry me.

What I just realized!

What do I have on!

I looked down at myself to see that I'm dressed like a witch.

Why a witch?

I continue walking then a lot of heartless cake out of no where.

I was stuck in the middle of all of them trying to fight them off. While, one behind me jumped on top of me making me fall to the ground.

Then I let out a scream for help. When I waited for a while a swift of a sword killed all the heartless even the one on top of me. A boy reached his hand out towards me when I grabbed it. He pulled me up so I'm on my feet but when I was about to say thanks there standing in front of my eyes was Sora.

Wait Sora!

That can't be Sora!

Sora isn't a vampire!

" Y/N is that you?!" He said.

"Yes its me Sora." Donald got so angry because I didn't say hi to him.

"Hi Donald are you mad because I didn't see you there." I gave off a small chuckled while Goofy did to.

"NO!" he screamed.

"Donald that's no way to be." Goofy told him.

"Any why are you here Y/N?" Sora spoke.

"I was running away for the organization and the heartless."

"Well stay cl-" he was cut off by Jack himself.

"Oh Y/N nice to see you again" Jack gave a warm smile.

"You to jack." I gave a smile back.

"Will let's get back to sally to see how my outfit is going."

When we started walking back. The heartless decided to come back again. I summon my keyblade ready to fight the heartless.

While fighting them I had one knock me over and jumped on top of me I tried to reach my keyblade but it was to far away.

The heartless was about to take my heart until Sora saved me.

Sora's POV

I thought I was going to lose her but I saved her.

"Are you okay?!" I grabbed both her shoulders.

"Yes I'm fine." She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

I bought her into a hug and said,"I can't lose you."

"......" she didn't say nothing she just hugged back.

"Your more then a friend Y/N."

"What do you mean?" She said.

"I mean that you more then just a old friend to me even more then a sister like friend." I looked into her eyes and continued on.

"I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"I-i love you too Sora." She gave me a warm smile.

Then she gave me another hug while I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Then we both backed up when we heard a cry to see that Goofy was crying.

"Our little Sora is all grew up Donald."

"He I still a kid though." Donald said with his arms crossed.

"Hey! Im not a kid!" I yelled.

"Yes you are!" She said with a chuckle.

I love it when she laughs and makes me smile.

I will always protect her for the heartless and the organization.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this one shot I can't think today I don't know why so hehe. How you meet (Riku) is going to be out today so look for that and I hope you have a nice day guys b-.

???:Wait wait wait hold up what about me.

Author: * turned around to found a chibi sora*.

Author: * turned around to found a chibi sora*

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Sora: I want to say bye why can't I.

???: Because you not Author~Chan.

Author: (Thought: A Riku chibi?!)

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Author: (Thought: A Riku chibi?!)

Riku: Author~Chan can we say good bye please!?

Author: Ok on the count of three.


Author: Two

Sora: Bye!!!!!

Riku: On the count of three not two!

Author: Any way bye guys!

Riku: Bye!! Sora where teaching you how to count.* Runs over to Sora*

Sora: No! *Runs away*

Author: Uhh OK!

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