S2E8 :Brawl In The Lightning Temple

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An :Sorry for the late update.I have already planned this story to the end but I just don't know how to write that plan but don't worry because what I start I finish


Max was sitting in his quarters deep in his thoughts.He hated to admit it but he missed his wife and children.He wished that things could have gone differently and he had never had to become filled with darkness.

The sensation of feeling the light had completely gone from his body.Nothing made him happy more than seeing people suffer but at the same time he wished he could be different.Someone barged into his quarters and he turned to them.The person was non other than Shadow.

"Maxwell why so gloomy."Shadow asked with a puzzled look and Max sighed.

"You are way too much of a fool to understand."

"Well guess this time I'll let it slide.Maybe this news will bring you some joy."Shadow had a devious smirk on his face which peeked Max's interest."Same old Max always interested in news."

"Speak."Max ordered

"Well it seems your son has grown into a nuisance which isn't really surprising since he gets it from his father.He took down Tiger Kumar"

"Looks like this days if you want something done you have to do it yourself."Max stood up and began to head for the door.He knew exactly where his son would go next and he was going to make a reunion.After 18 long years he was finally going to meet him."Well I'm off."

"To where exactly."

"To see my wayward son."

"Well I'm coming with.I also need to see my wayward daughter."Shadow stood up and started following Max.

Ryan's P.O.V

"So why are we going to the lightning temple anyway."I asked as me and Clover flew towards the lightning temple.Flying was part of the wind element.We are actually creating current using the wind element and riding it."I thought all the temples were empty since the sages are preparing for battle."

"There's something I want to tell you before we go any further."Clover replied and I simply nodded.

We arrived at the temple and walked through the doors.We found two people waiting for us in the training ground and I widened my eyes."Shadow...How did you and you're lackey find this place and how the hell are you alive"

Shadow began to laugh historically like a maniac and the other guy gave him me a death glare."LACKEY...LACKEY...AND LACKEY TO THIS FOOL OF ALL PEOPLE"

"I told you he was a nuisance."Said Shadow between laughs and the guy glared at him.

"SHUT IT."He yelled then turned to me.He regained his exposure and smirked.Within a blink of an eye he was already next to me.'Damn he's fast.'

"Just what kind of a lackey are you."I said while still frightened by his speed and he lost his cool.






Shadow huffed and looked away making Max sigh.I began to notice that the name Max sounded familiar.Max placed a hand on my shoulder and smirked."I'm guessing you are Ryan.It's been a long time since I last saw you.Come to think of it you've grown into quite a boy."

"You seem to know a lot about me."

"Indeed I mean it is the father's job to know about their son."

"Wait what...My father died a long time ago."I saw right through his lie but he just kept his smirk."Besides if you were my father you'd know my birthday."

"nineth of January."

"What...you'd know my second name."




"Guess you really are my father but why are you working for Shadow."

"I said I'm not a Lackey and your mother will tell you that.Assuming you survive this encounter."

"Oh is that so."I take a fighting stance and smirk."They told me not to fight my elders but I'll make an exception this once."

Within a split second he was already behind me going for a kick.His speed was insane.I could see his movement but not fast enough to perceive it or react.The kick was too fast to dodge so he kicked me right through the temple wall.

I slowly stood up and he was walking towards me.I changed into my golden outfit making him smirk."Ah so you've reached that level huh."

"If you are familiar with this power then you must know that it's over for you."I said with a cocky tone and he fake yawned then changed into a golden outfit exactly like mine.My eyes widened at the sight."What the hell."

"Oh it gets better."His outfit changed into a golden armor and my eyes widened.I could feel the aura leaking from his body and it was something I could comprehend.My body felt nothing but fear."This is the true power of the one who can master all the elements."

Before I could even react or see anything he had already punched me in the gut making me cough out blood.The golden out fit increases power,endurance and speed so now his speed was on a whole other level.He sent me flying with a kick and I landed a few meters away.

He shot me with a barrage of fireballs and I raises a stone wall in front of me.I stood up but quickly received another blow and this time I couldn't tell if it was a kick or punch.

"Pathetic.Is this all you've got.You're as hopeless as your sister."

An :That's a wrap.Oh and that's Maxwell in his  golden armor

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