Chapter 15

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"My son looked at me with worried eyes and asked, 'Mom, what's going on?' Ignoring his question, I smiled and continued enjoying my ice cream. Yuron and I were engrossed in our favorite show, making the most of our time together before he went to his friend's house for a project.

After 40 minutes, Yuron left, and I decided to do some office work. Although I had taken an early break to relax, it wasn't helping. The doorbell rang, and I went to answer it. To my surprise, Alorn stood there with an angry expression and entered without saying a word.

As I approached him, he hugged me tightly, fulfilling a longing I had held for many years. After breaking the hug, he held my face in his hands and gazed into my eyes, his pain evident. Then, he raised his voice and asked, 'Why did you leave me? Wasn't my confession enough for you to come to me? Why did you leave without a word?' Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

His words brought back memories of his confession: 'I love you, Yuwana, to the moon and back.' It was the happiest day of my life, knowing that the person I cared for and loved had finally expressed his feelings, and we would be together.

Recalling that day made my heart ache, and tears streamed down my face. The person who meant everything to me stood before me, but I couldn't give him the answer he desired. I felt vulnerable, knowing I couldn't protect our love. I was the cause of his pain, and I couldn't reveal the truth. 'Why, Yuwana? Why did you do this? You didn't consider us when making such a decision,' he said, his words filled with anguish.

I wanted to embrace him and wipe away his tears, but I couldn't. That day, I made a decision for both of us, and it wasn't easy, but I believed it was for the best. 'It was for our own good,' I told him, surprising him with my response. 'You're selfish, and I regret shedding tears for you,' he uttered, but before he could finish, I rushed outside and ran toward my car. Starting the engine, I sped away, with memories flooding my mind—his smile, his words, and his love. I couldn't forget them over the years. I yearned to approach him and apologize, but I couldn't.

This time, I was the one who shattered our bond. His words were true—I was selfish and only thought about myself. I lost someone who loved me endlessly, and I felt hopeless, hating myself. Tears cascaded down my face like raindrops, clouding my thoughts. I lost control of the steering wheel and crashed into an electric pole.

As my head hit the steering wheel, my vision blurred, and darkness enveloped me. After what seemed like hours, faint voices reached my ears. Unable to recognize them amidst the machine sounds, I struggled to open my eyes. They felt glued shut, and I wondered if I had become blind. Was this punishment for the tears he shed for me and the love he bestowed upon me? My mind raced, filled with remorse for the pain I caused.

Feeling ashamed and guilty, a voice reassured me, 'Yuwana, please wake up. I'm sorry for yelling, but please don't leave me. You are my life, and I can't live without you. You're strong, please open your eyes.'

Those words made me feel safe and content. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I wanted to see him and assure him that I was okay, but I failed. A throbbing pain surged through my head, and I drifted back to sleep. When I heard sobbing, I woke up and opened my eyes. My mom was crying in my dad's arms, and my sister held my hand.

My sister gave me a bone-crushing hug, and I wiped away her tears. My parents hugged and kissed me on the forehead. They were overjoyed, but I longed for the person who had awakened me from the darkness. I expected him to be by my side, but he had left me, just as I had left him. Now, I understood his pain, but I couldn't turn back time. Time had changed us and our relationship, but our love had never faded and would never fade away.


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