Chapter One: Calavera Club

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"i'm gonna die around you two losers, great"

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"i'm gonna die around you two losers, great"

Reef loved parties, he loved the idea of being around people, especially girls. He would've been totally fine with going to Mexico with his friends if, it wasn't for the very high chance they would die.

"This is such a dumb idea," He muttered under his breath, looking over to his childhood friend, Stiles. He has been through a lot with Stiles and their other friend, Scott ever since sophomore year.

"We're literally going to die," Reef continued as he walked alongside Lydia Martin, "And I'm gonna die around you two losers, great." He muttered, earning an elbow to the rib cage from Lydia.

The trio made their way down the halls of the Calavera club and into a scene filled with young people dancing and drinking, none looking a day over their age. Stiles noticed the smirk on Reef's face form before holding his friend back, reminding him why they're here in the first place.

Sighing, Reef followed Stiles and Lydia to the bar of the club. Once the trio reached the bar, three shots were placed in front of them. A huge smile formed on Reef's face as he reached forward to grab the shot glass, only to have his hand slapped away by Lydia.

Rolling his eyes, Reef reached into his back pocket to get out his wallet, to pay for the still filled drinks. A small but hard slap on his shoulder caused him to stop, "No, on the house," A thick Mexican accent was heard in the teenager's ears. Reef looked behind him to see, what he assumed, was one of the Calavera hunters. One hand on his shoulder, the others on Stiles'. "Plus, American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."

"We didn't come to drink." Lydia spoke, avoiding eye contact with the hunter. Reef's eyes met his fingers that were twiddling to avoid eye contact as well, Lydia swiftly reached into her purse. Pulling out a shotgun shell, the redhead dropped it into the shot glass.

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"Severo hates this music," Araya Calavera, a hunter of 40 years spoke to the trio. After making it known they were here for business purposes, they were escorted into a separate room from the party, but with the noise level of the music, they could still hear it clearly. "Me? I've always loved the music of youth," She continued as she undid a thread from what seemed like an old rag. "This kind especially, it has a savage energy."

"We're here for Derek Hale," Reef spoke, completely unamused with Araya's speech. He knew she was just trying to scare them, and he wasn't an easy scare. "We know you have him," He added on, looking over to Stiles to make sure he had the money ready. "We also heard, you can be bought." He finished, raising his eyebrows slightly as Stiles placed 50 thousand dollars on the old hard word table.

"Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia?" Araya smirked. The hunters that surrounded the trio clocked their guns, causing Lydia and Stiles to jump. "Not smart to come alone." She added leaning forward on the table, inching closer to the trio.

A small laugh came from Reef as he looked up at the older woman, a smirk plastered on his pale face. "What makes you think we came alone?" He stated evenly as he rested his arms on the table in front of them.

Araya's face loosened as she came to the realization, "You brought a wolf into my home?" She almost yelled at the trio. Reef and Lydia looked over to Stiles, finally allowing him to speak to the older woman.

"We brought an alpha." He finally spoke.

Araya let out a huff of frustration, standing up from the table, she walked over to the window behind her. "My friends, I don't think you're aware of you poor timing," She started to speak, Reef looked over and locked eyes with Lydia, who just shrugged. "Do you know what the dark moon is?" She asked, finally turning back around to face the now, growing anxious trio.

"Part of the lunar phase where the moon is the least visible in the sky." Lydia answered the woman. Reef has never had the best track record when it came to attending his classes, even before he was dragged into the supernatural world. It didn't mean that he wasn't smart, he knew almost everything there is to know about anything, he just didn't like going to his actual classes.

"But do you know it's meaning?" Araya asked again, now looking over at Reef who was growing more anxious by the minute. He didn't assume getting the Calavera's to agree to the deal would be easy but, he also didn't know it would take this long.

"Some people say it's a time of refection," Reef answered Araya, feeling a small hit in his chest at the relation of what the hunter was getting at. He and Allison weren't the closest, but they did have their moments, and he did care about her, deeply. "Or grief." He slowly added on.

"Grief or loss, niño." The hunter corrected the teenage boy. After taking a couple steps back to her chair, she scrunched up her face. "I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered too much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale." She questioned sarcastically.

Almost letting his anger get the best of him, Reef spoke up. "Because we don't like to lose." He spoke sternly, pausing between each word. The room then fell into a silence before a voice rang through on a walkie-talkie, the person spoke in Spanish but thankfully, Reef had been learning the language for years now.

The voice said that two parts of the club were clear, the front door and the south door. A small smirk formed on Reef's face as he overheard Severo speak to the man confused, knowing Scott, Malia and Kira had gotten to them. "Stiles," Scott's voice rang through, "Take ten off the table." He added, Stiles' hand came up to the table as took a pile of money off the wooden table.

"Maybe you should just take the deal." Lydia spoke, looking up at the woman who seemed calm, calmer than the teens. Reef met eyes with the hunter and nodded in agreement, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"Well I am keen to follow the warning of a banshee," Araya spoke, leaning over the wooden table again to meet eyes with Lydia. "I'm going to have to decline." She added with a smile and a nod. Reef sighed and pulled his hands away from the table, he was mentally battling the urge to put his feet up on the table, although he wanted to, he knew that if he did, he might just get a bullet through the forehead.

"Come on, just give us Derek," Reef started, using her sarcasm, as usual, to try and get his way, "You don't want him anyway," he sighed, "Haven't you seen what a downer he is?" He spoke with a shrug. "No sense of humour," He started to list off, pointing along with his fingers, "Poor conversationalist," He added on, pointing to another finger. "Just come on, take the money."

Araya's face didn't move a muscle instead, she picked up a walkie-talkie and spoke into it, "Severo, show them how the Calavera's negotiate." The hunter spoke, her thick Mexican accent showing through her words. Araya then looked up to the three hunters that stood behind the trio, sending them a quick nod.

The three hunters then put down their guns and pulled the trio up from their chairs, they all sent looks of fear at one another as the hunters started to escort them out of the room. "Come on, string bean." The hunter that was escorting Reef spoke, picking fun at his height.

Reef rolled his eyes, he wasn't new to being called nicknames that made fun of his height, he had always been abnormally tall, he assumed it was just genetics. But having a gun to your back and, getting shoved around, wasn't something Reef needed right now. Swiftly but quickly he whipped around and threw a punch at the hunter, knocking him down and out in an instant.

Unfortunately, Reef wasn't fast enough to dodge the back of the gun getting hit against the back of his head, knocking him out.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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