Seiryuu's Tribute

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Carefully, I picked my way along the rocky mountain pathway. The sun cast its golden rays across the river valley below. It would be setting in a few hours. I let out a steady breath and picked up the hem of my dress, shifting the delicate bundle that I carried in my arms. I knew that I had to make it to the cave before sunset, if there was to be enough light to hurry home before it became pitch black. It would do no good to worry Mother. 

As I continued my trek upwards I mulled over my family's current situation. Traditionally, the patriarch or the eldest son of the family would be the one to deliver the tribute. But, Father was away on a merchant trading trip, and Big Brother was bedridden with sickness. This had left it up to me, Cindra, the oldest daughter.

Eventually, I arrived at the entrance to the cave. It looked exactly like Big Brother had described it to me. Slate grey, with the setting sun dyeing the rocks crimson orange. I could make out a few scattered crystals growing among the rocks inside the inky blackness beyond. The archway of the entrance was huge, like a yawning chasm ready to swallow me whole. Taking a deep shuddering breath, I squared my shoulders and called out the  greeting.

"He who stands Vigil and Guards our valley, Suzerain Seiryuu of the Azure Scales and Water! I, Cindra, from the household of Nual of the Virera Village have come to deliver my family's tribute."

It was the same greeting delivered by my ancestors, and the ancestors of everyone else from every one of the villages scattered in the river valley. 

Every year, each household of every village would journey up the mountain to Seiryuu's cave and pay a tribute to him. It was our small way of thanking him for guarding our valley. For countless generations, he had stood vigil over and protected us. 

The story goes that the elders of each village had decided to thank him by starting up the tradition. The gifts always varied, from food (though he had no need to eat them), to jewels and fine fabrics. 

Right now, I was carrying a cloth bundle containing large blue crystals my younger sister had discovered in the riverbed. Though "blue", did not give them justice. They were of countless shades and tints, shifting and shimmering in the light when exposed. Mother had hoped they would satisfy Seiryuu.

Slowly, I knelt down and placed the cloth bundle on the ground. The shifting of scales and claws on stone had me lifting my head. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness by now, and I could make out a truly massive figure uncoiling itself in the depths of the cave. Rather gracefully for one of its size, the figure made its way towards me and out of the shadows. 

My mouth had gone dry, and I hastily gulped down a breath.

Truly, none of the stories told by my father and Big Brother could do him justice. 

Two long horns protruded from an elegantly scaled head and gently curved back towards his neck and elongated body, which resembled a massive snake's. Upon close inspection, I could see he had four small legs, each possessing four long curved claws. 

Thick, lengthy strands of silky hair grew from the top of his head and ran all the way down his neck, like a mane of sorts, stretching along the back ridge of his body and tail. They shifted and floated in a non-existent breeze. 

A magnificent "mustache", of sorts grew from his muzzle, as long and silky as the rest of his hair. Small, delicate wispy breaths of steam drifted from his nostrils and mouth. A pair of eyes like molten gold stared down at me from his face. His entire body was colored in ethereal shades of blue. Jaws parted and a gentle rumbling voice spoke.

"The Nual household? Very well, present to me your tribute."

I lowered my head, and carefully undid the knot holding the cloth together, and displayed the crystals my sister had gathered.

I lowered my head, and carefully undid the knot holding the cloth together, and displayed the crystals my sister had gathered

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"Crystals from the riverbed, my Suzerain."

"They are the most beautiful I have ever laid eyes on."

"Thank you, my Suzerain."

I dared to raise my head and was immediately pinned by his golden gaze. A few moments passed, but it felt like hours. I held my gaze boldly, but did not dare breathe.

A small, but noticeable smile curved along the corners of Seiryuu's mouth, and a rumbling chuckle escaped his lips. It sounded like a distant thundering waterfall.

"Child. Do you know why I accept your people's gifts?"

"Because it is how we show our appreciation and thanks to you, my Suzerain."

"That is only part of it, child."

My eyes must have betrayed my curiosity.

"I accept the gifts of your people, child, because you are my treasure."

"Your treasure?"

Compared to his tumultuous downpour, my voice was small like a tinkling drizzle.

"My treasure, child. Some dragons may protect gems and jewels, others precious metals. Some even rare exotic animals. My treasure is the people living in this valley. You are precious to me. That is why I guard you. Not all treasure can be assigned a monetary value."

With those words, he swept up my family's tribute and disappeared into the inky depths of his cave.

I thought of the worry I had seen in my Mother's eyes when she bid me goodbye at the door. 

The sparkle in my younger sister's when she discovered the river crystals. 

Big Brother's smile when I told him I would be fine. 

Father's shouted farewell and grin as he boarded the merchantship.

We all have our own treasures. I smiled, and turned around to head home.

A/n: I've noticed that all the dragons in the movies, tv series, books, etc that I've seen are either good or bad (with most being bad). Which begs the question: why aren't there any morally grey/neutral dragon characters? I bet they would make fantasy stories much more interesting!

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