Everything has changed

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First day of school here in Florida.

And I already know what most of you are thinking,

"She's the new girl. I've heard this story a million times and it always ends In a happily ever after."

Well that is not accurate at all in my opinion. this is the story of the girl that went to the same high school in the same town since grade 8, watching all of her old friends pass by into other cities and other places.

My story is not one of a "romantic roller coaster that only goes up."

It is a story of glass shattering in slow motion, putting itself back together, and replaying its very existence until it doesn't reform again. This is our story.

'Our' meaning me and some others.

Also 'our' meaning me and him.

Don't get your hopes up about how a 'beautiful, ravishing, talented girl' is gonna get the guy and blah blah blah happily ever after.

That's quite far from the truth.

.........First day of school, 7:10 am.........

I'm a dead sleeper.

By that, I mean, if you try waking me up, its like trying to wake the dead. and why would a person who sleeps like she's dead, lie then?

Because she cant stand up.

So my mom just decides to throw a full blast volume alarm clock on my bedside table while I'm sleeping.

usually when you wake the dead, they're zombies, so they try and eat you.

But I love my mom to much to eat her.

I groan as loud as my voice allows me as the alarm blasts through my ears like a siren, sending the most obvious signal possible to my mom that somebody isn't happy for her first day of school.

And when I'm not happy, I'm usually a straight out b'tch, my voice coated with wavering sarcasm and lack of mental effort to do anything.

After I attempt to knock out my alarm clock by swinging my arm across the bedside table until everything falls off, I wiggle my toes and let out a throaty yawn.

My stomach grumbles as I slowly stretch my arms above my head, my muscles slowly aching from basketball practice yesterday.

I lazily swat the covers off of me. I moan and rub the sleep out of my eyes as the heat and warmth from my bed leaves me. I shiver in my red sports bra and blue cotton pyjama pants.

Most people say that the first day of school is the day to make your impression on everybody, you know, if you're sporty, flirty, slutty, or nerdy.

If sweatpants, 80's thick rimmed glasses and a love for food didn't make a good impression, then I guess I'm screwed this year.

But in reality, I just really want to get out of high school. I'm stuck in this dump full of stoners and then the filthy rich kids who have everything cut out for them.

I'm not rich, or poor, but my family has enough to provide for us. that's what counts.

But it also makes us have to work harder for the things we want. I want a full ride scholarship to Indiana state, so my parents don't have to waste their money on me. but I'm only eleventh grade material.

So I guess today i'll wear my Indiana Pacers jersey tucked into black skinny jeans. my red and black basketball shoes should be good for today and my black blazer with rolled up sleeves will be my jacket.

The outfit looks pretty good actually, so I quickly brush some light Mascara on and put my hair into a normal ponytail.

I'm as hungry as a bear so I hop down the stairs to get breakfast.

I can smell bacon and eggs cooking.

"Honey, dish up and eat quickly because you gotta go." my mom gives me a small smile.

She is a tall woman, and her beauty is unquestionable. perfect posture and straight, pearly white teeth give her leniency to attract men, though she is happily married.

my dad basically beats the living crap out of people who look at her wrong.

You can see the years have etched their passing into her face though, light wrinkles lining her smile and forehead.

Freckles sprinkle across her cheeks like snow. when I was little and couldn't sleep, I used to lay with her and connect them together in my head, just like connect the dots.

My food is almost gone from my plate as soon as I sit down. bacon and eggs are my favourite.

With a full tummy, empty plate, and car keys in hand, I set my plate by the sink and grab my plain black Nike sports bag.

"Love you mom, Bye!" I yell as I make my way through the door.

I unlock my beat up silver car. which by the way breaks down at least once a month. We bought The piece of crap at one of those old-farm driveways, the car had a 'for sale' sign in the window that was probably a hundred years old.

The 'gift' from my auntie thankfully gave me the gift of transportation, but just not in style. sure it wasn't the newly painted mustang that lived in my dreams, but it was enough.

On my way to school, the radio brings old memories as "hey there Delilah" plays. I hum to the music because if I sing in a car alone, it will look like I'm talking to myself.

I pull into my officially favourite parking spot, number 113.

Deep breath in,

And out.



Ill only know a few kids this year because most of my best friends moved to academy's. I wish I was that smart.

My bestest friend in the entire world moved away this year before school started.
so I guess I'm on my own.

The heavy old doors of the school creak as I open them, sending a chill through me.

The hallway isn't very busy right now. mostly just the casual nerds who need to 'calculate the consistency of their schedule times' and the guys spinning a football between their large hands.

We have an order here. usually newbies get pushed around until they find their 'level of rights' as you might call it.

When I was new here, my eighth grade year, nobody pushed me around. they knew that the girl who hung with boys would get her sorry ass kicked on her own.

No, I didn't get shoved into a locker, if that's the juicy stuff you're asking for.

In fact I wasn't even touched or hurt at all. Not since grade seven.

The girls usually stay away from me because they think that someone who 'acts so much like a boy' has different intentions towards girls.

As if.

They last time a girl called me a straight out rainbow flagger, I got suspended for a day.

Kaitlin's high heel has been shoved up her ass ever since.

Everything has changed (a cameron dallas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now