Don't Speak

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"Yeah well, I thought about it!" I heard him yelling all the way from the conference room. I knew it was boy genius just by the sound of his voice. I looked up to confirm it was indeed him. He stormed past me, away from a very distraught JJ. I decided to let my curiosity get the best of me and see what was up.
"What was all that about?"
"He hates me," I noticed her holding back tears, "He hates me because I should have told him. Did you know he considered.... I knew about his addiction! I - I should have-" I decided to cut her off there being as though her face was turning red and she had yet to take a breath.
"He doesn't hate you JJ. Just give him some time. It was a lot for all of us to handle. I'll talk to him." I laid my hand on her shoulder and she gave me a reassuring nod and a fake smile. I can't imagine how she must feel, but I actually know how Reid does. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I was in the same boat as the annoying kid, but I was all he had.
Last time I saw him, he was heading towards the bathroom, so I followed. I knocked on the door slightly two times before entering. I regretted even coming in when I saw the tears streaming down his face.
"Awe man.." I muttered so he couldn't hear as I leaned into the sink next to him.
"Hey... You know she's trying really hard to show how sorry she is to you kid... I know it's hard... You know I do but give her a chance. She couldn't tell you-"
"Don't." His eyes darted up, "don't defend her. She knew. For ten weeks. I almost..." He hung his head and started to bounce his knee again rapidly as I saw the tears coming again.
"Okay, okay. I didn't mean to... I get it. I know how you feel. The loss. The pain. No one gets it," he still didn't stop so I placed my hand on his shoulder," but I do. Do me a favor? Next time you're itching for a fix... Call me up. Pretty boy, you're too important to us for you to loose your job over that. I know it's not much to go on but just take it day by day with me. I'm here-"
I was cut off by a surprise pair of soft lips pressed against my own. It was actually kinda nice as I felt an arm slide behind my neck. For a minute, it was nice. A calming, peaceful silence filled with soft lips and his gentle touch. He was the first to pull away and everything was still.
"I-I-I'm sorry..." He started to move him and his arm away when I instinctively stopped him.
"Don't be." And for the first time, I looked into his big, brown, doe eyes and realized why I called him "pretty boy". I leaned back in slowly, eager to touch the soft lips again. Before I even reached, he met me the rest of the way, if at all possible, more excited for the touch than I was. I placed my hands naturally on his hips and he reached both arms around my neck, pulling our bodies closer. The warmth was more than welcoming. Our kiss was deep, slow and passionate, much to my surprise. I never even considered this man a suitor but now I couldn't bring myself to pull away from him. I slowly brought my hands up, tangling my fingers in his soft curly hair. Our tongues moved together perfectly. Like longing dance partners, each movement was greatly appreciated and adored by the partners. When the need to breath over took us both, we reluctantly separated our lips, keeping our bodies close and our foreheads resting on each other.
I could feel his hot breath on my skin, shaking me to my core. Our lips were merely a couple inches apart at most and I had a need to know how he tasted. All these thoughts raced through my mind. All kept coming back to this beautiful man standing inches away from me and I didn't know how to react.
"Don't ever apologize for that," I smiled, whipping away whatever tears still lingered on his soft, angelic face. He laughed a little before our eyes met and wouldn't separate.
"I don't know what to say..." I still couldn't draw my eyes away from this man as he spoke.
"Then don't" I leaned in a kissed him once more, slow and quiet. It was short and sweet and when I pulled away, I felt somehow satisfied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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