17; instagram

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after yesterday, zach and I had been your typical, cushy, instagramcouple

I was sitting on the why don't we couch when i felt familiar hands wrap around my waist, i turned around

"hey zachary!" i said putting my phone down. we just stared at eachother for a while until jack finally broke the unawkard silence

"gross they're having sex with their eyes" he whined throughout the house

zach blushed

"shut up" i countered, "there's nothing sexual here" i ended. grabbing my phone and heading for the fridge

"zach's boner says diffrent" jack whispered to me. I rolled my eyes then saw what he was refrencing

"zachary dean herron, pornography is a nono. this is a christian household" i joked covering my eyes

he blushed, "sorry sorry. you just look so hot with your crop top and super super short shorts"

"gross" i finally spoke

"anyways, do you wanna go to the post malone concert" he questioned nonchalantly while plopping down on the couch

"oh my god, ye syes yes." i squealed running and plopping down on his lap

"stop, stop, god please stop. you're gonna get him hard again" Corbyn yelled from the balcony.

we ignored him

"alright, well, the uber will be here in 20 so get ready" he said as i stood up and he slapped my butt

"fuck you Herron" i scolded him while rubbing my butt

"you know you liked it" he winked


deep down i did


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