The 'amusement' park is vary amusing

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Sky's pov~

I was walking home from the hunger games with deadlox after we had died right after it started. When we Walked in we saw Mitch And Ashley cuddling on the couch. They were both asleep. I could tell Me and Ty had the same idea when we looked at each other smiling. We counted down from three and ran in the room welling 'MASHLEY!'. Ashley screamed and fell off of the couch. Mitch didn't even wake up. We laughed as Ashley realized what had happened and got up and started walking towards us I ran up to my room and locked my door. She is scary when she's mad.

Ashley's pov~

I woke Mitch 'wake up you lazy dinosaur!' I yelled and he sat up. He got up and ignored me. He walked into the kitchen and layed down on the floor and started snoring. 'Mah gawd Mitch!' I said as I got an egg out of the fridge and threw it at him. He sat up and looked around 'How'd I get here?'. I sighed and told him what happen. He stood up 'I tend to do that allot' I laughed and started to make bacon. Jerome ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. 'Do I smell bacon!' He started yelling and running around the house waking everybody up when he saw it in the pan. I looked at Mitch and sighed 'I'm going to make more bacon'.


We decided to go to an amusement park, Bad idea. Adam found butter and was throwing it everywhere and laughing like a maniac. Jerome was running around like a lunatic and Mitch ran around chasing people with corn dogs like they were knives. Everybody went on rides while I was left in charge of the 20 year old kids. They saw a giant ride that went upside down. I started to walk away but Mitch picked me up and brought me back. 'I don't like these rides Mitch and you know that!' I whined as he set me down. 'I know but you know what they say #SORRYNOTSORRY!!' He yelled the last part when he picked me up and ran to the ride. This is going to be a long week.

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