The beggining chapter 1

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E/C-eye colour
H/C- hair colour
H/L-hair length
F/F- favourite food
F/C- favourite colour
Y/N - your name
L/N- your last name

I fluttered my eyes open to the bright light of the sun seeping in through my curtains. Oh great time for school- you stop yourself mid sentence. Wait hold up what the date. You sprung out of your bed practically skipping to the other side of your room to check the date. A smile beamed across your face. As you threw one had into the air seeing that it was now summer vacation and you'd have the whole house to yourself for the first month of summer. As your mum was going on a business trip. She usually does this and trusts you to take care of the house. You weren't spoiled or anything. However you were and only child and being home alone was boring when there was no one to talk to. Your dad left when you were 2 months old and never came back. You look around your room not looking for anything in particular when you heard your mums voice call from downstairs. "Hey hunny, I'm leaving for the cruise now I love you and I've left £2500 for the month" you smiled to yourself and ran to the banisters to wave over the edge and smile "see ya soon mum be safe I love you too" and with that your mum shut the door and she was gone. You ran back into your room and grabbed your jacket. You pulled out a cigarette from the packet and pranced your way towards the the living room happily moving down each step with a bounce your grabbed a lighter from the kitchen draw where your mum kept them and an ash tray and lit the cigarette. You took a puff
"Ah, it's summer finally" you said out loud turning on the tv and watching your favourite show.

Some time passed before you knew it, it was already lunch time and your stomach started to rumble no not now. You had an eating disorder and no matter how slim you got you couldn't help but still see the fat on your body. However as it was summer you gave into the temptation and went to go get your F/F and sat back on the leather couch.

Around an hour past and you got started to get bored you knew this really cool lake spot around 20 minuets from your home. You decide you'd go there. You walked up the stairs and along the hallway to your room. You opened the door and saw your phone screen light up it was a group chat with your 4 best mates texting in it. You text the group chat saying you were heading to the lake you'd be there in 30 minuets. And put your phone in a bag along with your swim suit and a towel. You put your f/c shorts on with a black crop top before brushing your hair and grabbing your bag. You were about to leave your room when you quickly turned around and grabbed your pocket knife which you kept in your boot in case of an emergency. You walked downstairs grabbed your keys and your boots put your army green boot on slid the knife into the left boot and walked out the door locking it behind you.

As you stepped outside you felt the sun blazing down on your pale skin. You started to walk around the back of the house towards the rather chirpy looking woods. The sun made it look like something in a fantasy as the wind danced through the trees. Walking at a medium pace trying not to sweat. Luckily the tree shaded you from the golden rays.

You were almost there when you heard a twig snap from behind you. You quickly spun around ready to pull out your knife when you heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N! You made it YAY!" It was Charlie
He was always so weird and could come across creepy to some. You had known him since you were 3 years old and he was practically your brother. He slung his arm around and almost dragged you to where the lake was. It's looked beautiful. The trees were clear where the water was causing a shadow from the sun to cascade down apon the shimmering water. You look up to see your other three best friend Lucy Molly and Kyle.
"Y/N" the said in unison all running into a big group hug. You just laughed. They were the best friends you could ever ask for. "Y/N, please come in the water with me" Lucy exlaimed "these lame asses won't" she continued. You nodded "alright Lucy just let me just got change in the shack,okay?" She nodded dancing around excitedly. The shack was an old out house where you guys either get changed or hot box (search up the meaning if you must). It wasn't anything special it was rather small but you easily fit 6 maybe 7 people in. You ran to the shack and quickly slipped into your swimwear and walked out you heard a wolf whilst from the boys and Molly and Lucy go "damnnnnn" in unison. You stood there blushing before saying. "Alright can we all stop staring at me with our mouths to the floor and jump in". You said running towards the lake and jumping in creating a massive splash soaking Molly and Kyle. "Y/N!" They screamed before charging in after you.
All was going well til you heard a twig snap in the distance and a slight laugh. "Fuck" you whisper quietly....

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