chapter five

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Blake's POV

oh no.

I kissed Zoretta.

I liked it.

audrey is standing there with a confused and mad expression, with my girlfriend, maddie

why we call mad considering she is. I mean padded room mad.

"oh hey mads, what are y'all doing out of class?" I ask nervously.

"well the teacher said we could leave cause he had a phone call and audrey was telling me about zorrs fight so we were making sure she was ok." mads says. her voice is emotionless.

"oh I'm fine thank you." Zorr says trying to divert the attention from me.

"oh your her boyfriend. well isn't this just lovely."says jage sarcastically. I really hate him. I was so relieved when Zorr turned him down I was getting jealous. though it doesn't make sense since I have a girlfriend. standing in front of me while my arm is still wrapped around zorreta. Zorr must have noticed this and steps away from me.

just as I'm about to explain, the bell goes off and we go to class. the looks on audreys and mads faces let's know this isn't over.

that we will talk about this later.

jages expression says he will ask Zorr out again. just the thought makes me cringe.

"Zorreta penelope, what are you doing to me?" I mumble to myself.

hey guys I hope you like it.

I am new at this if you have any pointers let me know. they will be of use

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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