New kid

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   I was walking towards Hawkins' office to pick up the new kid. I'm not much for new kids, but if I were new. I would want as much help as I could get. When I got to the office I saw the main office worker on her computer and she looked up at me and smiled. I did the nice thing to do and smiled back.
    "Hello Mr. wheeler are you here for the new kid"
    "You know it" I say with a smile. She went to the back room from where they get their schedule and locker combination +facts about this place. She comes out with a small guy with nice, curly , brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes. He... perfect- WHAT AM I SAYING, IM DATING JANE. I was snapped out of my thoughts to a voice of an angel. Mike? mike mIKE MIKE MICHEAL!! That wasn't an angel voice.
"O- sorry I was thinking"
"Well his name is Alex Riley he is our new kid now can you come back to earth and help him" when she told me that. All I could do is blush.
"Ok sorry um- follow me Alex" we both walk out of the room. I asked him for his schedule. He just hands it to me. I wanted to hear his voice again. I looked at his schedule and he has 4 classes with me. That's good enough for me.
"Well Alex looks like you stuck with me for 4 hours" I smirk a little while his face glows bright red. I just chuckled and hit him in the arm not to strong, just enough so he understand the joke. I look at him again, but instead of him smiling. He is still in the same position. I felt bad and looked down, until I heard his voice.
"W-Well what class do we go too?" What an angel.
"Science my favorite you're gonna love this class promise."
"If you say so" after that response a deep sigh came out of him. I thought maybe he didn't want to talk to me and that I was annoying him, but I have no idea. So I just told him to follow me to class.
"This is the science room our teacher in here is pretty crazy, but I promise he is gonna be your favorite. He smiled at me and entered the class without hesitation. I'm guessing he is pretty open. I blush just thinking about him. And- his body structure was perfect. I think he is the missing puzzle piece in my life. He walked into Mr. Clarke's room to see that Alex was seated and he sat next to me and Jane. Or he was between us. which Jane didn't look to happy. I was 100% ok with it at least I sat next to him... SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP. What I didn't know after I finished saying that sentence was I said it out loud staring right at Alex. Alex got up quickly and ran. I looked around to see the whole class staring In disbelief.

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