Your Baby Girl - Ft Grayson

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Fast Forward through you pregnancy, you had a baby girl named (y/d/n) Dolan she's a 1 year old girl and you cherish her , now Grayson didn't know you kept the baby , he just thought you put it up for adoption because he wanted to just move on with his life , he didn't want to become a dad at 18. But you actually wanted to become a mom at 18 and you were beyond excited for motherhood , but the thing is , you don't know where Grayson is to tell him you kept her.

Yn P.o.v

Yn: "hey butter hungry?"
Y/D/N: -smiles and claps-
Yn: "okay little one." -I pick her up and put her in her high chair-

As I finish feeding her I put her down for her nap, I live in New Jersey , because that's where my family's from and that's where I met Grayson and his twin Ethan . We all been friends since we were kids and then me and Grayson started dating when we were high school , then he moved out to LA with his twin and forgot about me and left my pregnant...I told him I was pregnant and he just stuttered on his words. I knew he was going to be like this, but now it's been a year since I had my baby girl , and I gotta text Grayson , hopefully he isn't busy. -sighs-

Grayson's P.o.v
I'm just relaxing in my home with my twin and I get a message from Yn , I haven't heard from her in over a year , since I got her pregnant and left her. Plus I became a new man because of YouTube.

Yn:hey gray it's me. We need to talk
Gray:okay? About what
Yn:well I wanted you to know I kept the baby , and I'm raising her on my own
Gray:what....why didn't you tell me sooner?

Tbh I was beyond pissed off at the fact that she's raising our daughter on her own , not really mad that she kept her , it's her first born I get it , but I don't want to be a dead beat dad. I need to go over there and meet my baby girl

Yn:because I didn't know how to tell you , and I thought u might've become too busy for me and your daughter
Gray:Yn, I would never be too busy for you.. you're  my first everything and js I wanna meet my baby girl? Can I?
Yn:of course.
Gray:great. I'll set up a plane ride , you still live in the same house right?
Gray:good , see ya soon😎

-End of Text Convo-

Ethan: "what's up gray?"
Grayson: "it's Yn , she kept the baby."
Ethan: "not surprised. So you going to New Jersey?"
Grayson: "of course , I'm not going to become a dead beat dad."
Ethan: "good , well I wanna go with you because I wanna meet my niece or nephew."
Grayson: "you have a niece E."
Ethan: "awe you serious? That's so cute, you better spoil that child."
Grayson: "you know it."

So Ethan and I decide to both go to our hometown , when we get there it's amazing , nothings changed except some brand new openings for restaurants and we've been gone for a couple years now so it's nice to be back.

-We walk up to Yn's Door Step and Knock-

-Yn's Mom Opens it-

Yn's Mom: "hey Grayson, hey Ethan so nice to see you guys."
Grayson: "you too Mrs.Y/L/N. Is Yn around?"
Yn's Mom: "she's in her bedroom."
Grayson: "thanks." -smiles and walks upstairs- "Yn?"
Yn: "hey guys what's up?"
Ethan: -hype-"where's my niece?"
Yn: -laughs- "in her crib."
Ethan:-hype- "amazing." -walks over too her crib- "awe she looks just like you gray , even the eyes and the crazy hair." -laughs-
Grayson: "man move out of the way." -pushes his slightly- "wow. She's beautiful."
Yn: -smiles- "yeah , she's a cutie."
Ethan: "well I'm going to go see if your mom made her special cookies." -smirks and runs downstairs-
Grayson: "surprised I didn't hear a loud thud."
Yn: "right." -smiles-
Grayson: "so Yn?"
Yn: "yeah?"
Grayson: "since I feel like this is overwhelming for you, can I be there for you and our daughter? I promise I won't leave . Y'all are my number one priorities. Nobody else just us three."
Yn: "I don't know, I honestly like how you came all this way too see me and our child , but do you really have time to be with us and manage your career?"
Grayson: -hugs her- "of course i can , Do you know me?" -laughs-
Yn: -hugs back- "yeah but I also know your mind can wander."
Grayson: "your not wrong."
Yn: "yep. I'll think about it and let you know later."
Grayson: "understandable." -kisses Yn on the forehead and kisses (y/d/n) on the cheek. "I'll see y'all later , I gotta made sure E isn't eating all the cookies."
Yn: "knowing him he probably ate almost all , my mom makes pretty delicious cookies."
Grayson: "true." -smiles- "see ya Yn." -walks away-
Yn: "see ya gray."

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