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82 days before.

I couldn't get the conversation out of my head. For our first fight, it had shaken me up. I had a long conversation with my mum over it, but it didn't seem to help me in my case. She only told me, that things might be a little hard right now for him if his parents are fighting. But I don't think that's the case.

Monday morning — the next day — he wasn't at school.

Walking through the hallways, eyes trained on me and a few girls leant into their friends and started to whisper-possibly about Miles not being with me, because we're unseperatable. Always have been since we were babies. It was a huge surprise that day he wasn't here.

I couldn't help but think it was because of the fight yesterday. Knowing Miles, he wouldn't even miss a day of school, not even for a stupid fight. But there I was, strutting down the halls on my way to class, alone.

Then, the end of the school week rolled around and no Miles showed up to school the entire week. I broke down that Friday night, when I couldn't get hold of Miles and he wouldn't text me back. I left around 50 text messages this week, with no reply from Miles.

I knew he was ignoring me, but I hated to admit it. I didn't like the whole idea of my best friend ignoring me over a stupid fight.

But maybe to him, the fight wasn't stupid. Maybe it hit a strong subject for him. Maybe telling him it's best for his parents to divorce broke him. Maybe I am the one to blame for this fight and it's best for him to ignore me.


Now it was Saturday, and Miles still refused to answer his phone.

I went for a walk to get my mind off of things, but it was doing nothing for me. I pushed myself to keep going, maybe my legs will take me somewhere interesting. Instead, my legs stopped me at the front of the park where Miles and I had our first ever fight.

Why did I stop myself here?

But instead I continued, walking down the long path. The park, was a huge area, with barbecues and tables scattered around the place. Near the cooking areas, was the oval where in the center of it laid a cricket pitch. On the other side of the oval, was the playground for the younger kids. With the playground, was the swings. Forever, those swings will be place of reminder.

Still, I continued to walk. Little kids were on the playground, laughing and smiling. One of them, a made eye contact with me and smiled. I smiled back at her, and she went back to playing.

The kids reminded me of Miles and I as kids. The times where Miles and I were happy. Now, it seems our friendship has hit a bump.

I turn around, wanting to go home when I swear I hear my name. At first, I can't find anyone who would know my name, but somewhere in the corner of my eye I see a figure behind me.

Turning around, I know who spoke my name. A smile spreads on my lips, and my legs react before my mind can process it. I run, before I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Miles," I said "I'm so sorry."

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