Chapter 6 | GO FISH!

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"Good morning (Y/N)"Baekhyun's voiced warmed you up as you opened your eyes

The stone house. You rubbed your tired eyes still not understanding the house made of stone.

"Baekhyun?"You asked

"I brought breakfast and clothes"Baekhyun smiled, his hair was slightly messy, clearly unbrushed though it made him look adorable

The short boy had sat down a plate and cup for you that you ate before changing into the outfit he laid at the end of your bed. You blinked twice as the short skirt and shorts not minding the shirt and as you called that you were finished Baekhyun walked in blushing.

"I'm sorry about the shorts and skirt it was all we could get at the time- if Chanyeol says anything about it- which he will. I'll hit him"Baekhyun nodded, "and by the way (Y/N) it's nice to meet you, and nice to have someone that doesn't smell like dirty fur around here."

You lightly put your hand over your mouth as you laughed quietly.

"Well hopefully I don't start smelling like it huh?"You grinned

Baekhyun smiled as he slipped a hand into his jeans using the other to nervously pull his shirt from his chest letting out a large breath.

"Your short- it's cute"You cut in as he went to open his mouth

He paused, eyes widening as he ears tipped with a light shade of pink.

"Ahhh don't say that I'll blush!"He yelped

"Ahhh cute"You teased him as you stepped out into the common room, "morning"

"Morning (Y/N)"D.O smiled as he walked past

"Where's Sehun and Suho?"You asked

"Shopping"Chanyeol said as he stepped out of his room double taking to look at your clothes, "that's inappropriate (y/N) d-don't dress like that when you hang out with me okay? You shouldn't dress like that at all-"


"Leave her alone Chanyeol its all she has"Baekhyun laughed

"Ouch!"Chanyeol yelped, "aishhh fine fine-"

"Good"Baekhyun smiled, "hey (Y/N) how about I teach you something to pass time?"

"Sounds g-good!"You nodded

"Have you heard anything about M?"Chanyeol asked D.O behind you as Baekhyun lead you to his room

"I don't think they know we have (Y/N) but they will when we go to school"D.O sighed, "so will every other group"

"Welcome to my room"Baekhyun laughed as you stepped into his room

Two beds sat on opposite sides that held so many differences, too many too List, just as the similarities. But the room was like opposites yet twins at the time- it was weird.

"It's neat"

"Neat? What does that mean?"Baekhyun laughed as he walked over to the table beside his bed

"U-Uh I mean guh-good."You blushed awkwardly

"Let's have a good day today"Baekhyun smiled

You nodded smiling brightly as he pulled out a deck of cards.

"Here I'll teach you how to play a few card games."


"GO FISH!"You yelped triumphantly as you launched yourself across Baekhyun's incredible soft bed

"No way! You have to have a 2!"Baekhyun frowned as he picked up the last card in the deck, "oh"

"Therefore you have a 7!"You grinned

"Ahhhh your right."Baekhyun sighed as he passed it over

"I WIN! HA!"You cheered

"Tell me how we got to playing Go Fish again?"Baekhyun laughed

"Well I said 'I'm only good at Go Fish' and you said 'Try me!' So I mean I won so what's my prize?"You questioned as he threw his cards into the air

"Ah well first we are going to clean my thirds card deck up, and then we are going to go get food I guess"Baekhyun offered

"It's a plan! Except- let's skip the first part"You laughed

"Ahh okay fine, I'll clean them up later"Baekhyun smiled brushing a hand through his hair, "let's get food and talk about each other huh?"

Word count: 661
Date Written: 13-03-18

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