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"Hat dir jemals jemand gesagt, dass du schön bist?" (has anybody ever told you that you're beautiful?)

"Nein!" (No!) she said putting on her dress.

"dann muss ich sagen ... du bist schöne junge Dame" (then I must're beautiful young lady)

"Danke, mein Herr" (Thanks sir!) she smiled.

"Wie heißen Sie" (What's your name?) 

"Meine Mutter nannte mich Spencer! Ich nehme an, das wäre mein Name" (My mother used to call me Spencer! I guess that would be my name) she said lost in the memory lane when she had a family.

"Ich wünsche und hoffe, dass Sie Ihre Familie Honig finden" (I wish and hope that you'll find your family honey)

"Mädchen wie wir haben keine Familie, Sir" (Girls like us don't have a family sir!) her voice cold and hard.

"Verliere niemals die Hoffnung mein Schatz. Ich wünschte, ich könnte etwas für dich tun." (Never lose hope my darling. I wish I could do something for you)

"Ich schätze deine Sorge" (I appreciate your concern)

"Tschüss! pass auf dich auf, Schatz" (bye!take care honey)

"Ich werde es versuchen" (I'll try) she replied with a faded smile.

He went out of the room giving her the money. The money she got in exchange of her dignity. She threw those pieces of paper on the floor. The pieces which control her life. The pieces people die for. The pieces people call money. 

*door opens*

"Spencer! Was ist das Chaos? Warum ist Geld auf dem Boden? " (Spencer! what is this mess? why is money on the floor?) she was enraged.

"Es tut mir Leid. Ich habe mich nur in meinen Gedanken verloren " (I'm sorry. I just got lost in my thoughts)

" Du kennst Spencer! Wenn du kein Geld respektierst, wird es dir weggenommen" (You know Spencer! if you don't respect money, it'll be taken away from you)

" Ja, ich weiß!" (Yes I know!) she said annoyed.

" Pack deine Koffer Spencer!" (Pack your bags Spencer!)

" Was? Warum? Wohin gehe ich?" (What? Why? Where am I going?)

"Amerika! " (America!) 

" Amerika? Sie - Sie befreien mich?" (America? You-You're setting me free?) she said in disbelief with her eyes wide opened.

" Oh, kein Schatz. Ich habe dich verkauft!" (Oh no honey. I sold you) she laughed mockingly on her comment.

" Du was?" (You what?) her eyes began to tear as she was taken away from her only home she ever knew. 

"Mr. Rivers will Sie für einen Job in Amerika " (Mr. Rivers want you for a job in America)

" Du hast gesagt, du wirst mich niemals verkaufen!" (You said you'll never sell me!) she shouted.

" Ich will nur Geld, mein Schatz. Pack deine Taschen. Du hast nur eine Woche hier" (I just want money my darling. Pack your bags. You only have one week here)

"Leona! Du hast gesagt, ich bin deine Tochter. Wie kannst du mir das antun? " (Leona! you said I'm you're daughter. How can you do this to me?) she shouted in disbelief.

" Ich werde nie eine Mutter einer Prostituierten sein. Ich sage das allen Mädchen, damit sie sich benehmen" (I'll never be a mother of a prostitute honey. I say that to all the girls so they'll behave themselves)

"Du kannst das nicht tun! " (You can't do this!) she cried.

"Ich habe das schon gemacht " (I've done this already) "Vielleicht findest du in deiner Heimat eine Flucht, Schatz! " (Maybe you'll find an escape in your homeland darling!) she laughed mockingly and went away closing the door and she cried all night long.



1 week Later.

"We'll miss you Spencer" Hanna said crying. "Please do visit New York. I wonder what it'll look like today"

"Yeah and Chicago too. We both miss our home cities" Aria added.

"Guys! They sold me. I'm probably be the same there as I'm here. They aren't going to buy a prostitute and set her free to roam around the country" 

"Miss we're getting late" Noel said.

"I'm coming"

"Who is he?" Hanna asked.

"I don't know Leona said he's here to take me to America and make sure I don't run away"

"Well he's hot!"

"I hate men Aria!"

"Yeah we know how you feel but on the brighter side.. think.. if a handsome, beautiful and sexy man bought you to be his sex slave"

"Oh la la Spencey" Hanna added.

"Ari! enough! I'm not interested...All men need the same thing from women. Some are their slaves as wives, some as girlfriends and some as sluts"

"Yeah yeah we know"

 "I should just get going" she said and her eyes teared up.

"We'll miss you Spence!"

"I'll miss you guys too" they shared a long teary hug and Noel took Spencer away.



After 10 hours..

"We're here miss!"

"America?!" she whispered unconsciously smiling.

"Yes!" he replied smiling.

"I know it's not your favorite situation miss but,... welcome home! "

"How do you know I'm from America?"

"I saw the look on your face when I said we're here! I wish I could do something to take you back to your home"

"I wish I could do something for myself and I wish I could stop people from saying that they wish something about me because I'm helpless! "

"I'm sorry! I know your situation and I assure you. You can talk to me whenever you want miss! I don't have any kind of authority but I promise I'll help you if you need anything"

"Thanks Mr."



"Your name is beautiful just like you are!"

"Don't call me that please!"




"Who is the man? Who-Who bought me?"

"He's Caleb Rivers and.."


"He is not a good man Spencer! Not at all"

"Yeah I know..what kind of good man will buy a prostitute!"

"You're not a prostitute Spencer. You're a woman. An honorable lady!"

a tear slipped from her eyes.

"I don't know what I am anymore but..thanks for trying to make me feel better"

"You're welcome" he smiled.
So! She's in America. What do you think greedy Caleb is up to? How will Spencer react?
Tell me in comments.

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