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"Go back to bed Elis." Mette's usually life filled voice cut across the room monotone and empty. Elis turned and glared at the woman she had looked up to and idolised for majority of her life, Her hair hung limp and lifeless and there were dark bags under her eye's, a sark contrast against the upbeat, well groomed woman she usually was.  "You refuse to go save her, so I'm going." Mette crouched in front of the girl  "You don't even know how to sail, you wouldn't make it out of the dock." Elis turned away from her and headed towards the door "I don't care! Big sister is in trouble and I'm going to save her." Mette simply walked forward and picked the girl up and flopped back into her chair. "We can't save her." She said holding the girl close despite her struggling "No matter how hard we try, that man has too much strength and even if get to him, he has many men and women who we would have to fight and likely kill to get Nora from him. We would lose."

The man who had taken Nora was a Jarl which meant a lone shieldmaiden didn't stand much of a chance. Mette tried to comfort herself with the fact Nora was now likley married to a Jarl and living comfortably in a large house instead of their tiny farm house but she knew it wouldn't be the case. Despite being a formidable fighter,  she would be completely at his mercy and that man is known for his cruelty. 

Elis hit and kicked at Mette but she was still not released. She suddenly twisted to face Mette and pushed herself up to look into her eyes. "You're wrong." her voice was much too cold for someone as young as her. Mette stared into the child's eyes, they were almost identical to her sister's and it made Mette's chest tighten. "Just because you gave up on her doe-" "I didn't give up on her!" Mette interrupted sitting forward. The pair sat in silence for a few moments "Then why is she still with that bastard?" Elis asked iceily "Why are you just sitting around instead of getting her back?" She sounded just like Nora.

Mette pressed her lips together before standing and placing the child on the ground "Get your things. We leave in an hour." 


"What are you doing with Geita?" Elis looked from the horse to Mette "We have to sail." Mette secured a bag to Geita's side "We're going to  ride her to Astrid's house." Elis frowned "Why are we going to see Astrid? We are meant to be going to get big sister back." Mette nodded "Need someone to tend to the farm while we're gone. It's all well and good if we get Nora back then come home to dead animals and crops and then starve over winter." Elis nodded, a little frustrated that it would be even longer before her sister was safe. 

Astrid was Mette's younger sister, Who had married the Jarl of where to two had grown up. The Jarl was a good man and he and Astrid were close friends but definitely not in love. Astrid, like her sister, was not particularly interested in men and her husband was not particularly interested in woman. The two had a good arrangement, No one seemed to notice that the Jarl's most esteemed warrior slept in his bed or that the Jarl's wife always seemed to be in her closest friend Taija's bedroom each morning. 

They rode from the early hours of the morning and arrived a little after sunrise. They were greeted by Taija who was a kind cheerful woman and despite her appearance, a ruthless shieldmaiden. Elis was rubbing her eye's sleepily as Mette carried her inside. Taija looked at the girl concerned "Oh you look exhausted. Here come with me, I'll take you to lay down." Taija said reaching towards Elis who shock her head quick "No, we are in a hurry." Mette chuckled "We will be here for a while Elis, gotta organise some thing's with Astrid. It's a good idea to rest." She said tucking a loose strand of hair behind Elis' ear. She nodded and let Taija take her to sleep as Mette went to find Astrid. 

"Mette?" Astrid raised an eyebrow seeing her approach "What are you doing here?" Mette smiled and greeted her with a hug "Can't I just come see my sister because I want to?" She grinned. Astrid's expression remained neutral, as it usually did. "No, the only time you visit is when you need something." Mette shrugged "Well  you are right, I do need something. Urgently."

She explained to Astrid everything that had happened, Astrid sat for a moment before standing "I'll organise for a boat but I can't do much more." Mette understood, Astrid's husband was a Jarl. If they were caught helping Mette fight against another Jarl it would cause a lot of trouble. "Thankyou." Mette smiled "There's one more thing I need to ask of you." Astrid raised an eyebrow "I can't take Elis with me, obviously and I can't leave her on her own, She's only Five years old . . . " Astrid nodded "She can stay here."

After the boat was organized, Taija took Mette to the room where Elis was sleeping. Mette kissed her forehead softly so she wouldn't wake and apologised quietly for leaving her behind. She went to say goodbye to Astrid and thanked her before heading outside. The bag she had left attached to Geita's seemed to be sagging a little but all she did was resecure it and head off. 

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