Chapter 13

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Alex were crying so loudly. He does'nt want to eat, barely sleeps and does'nt want to play with his toys. He had a fever and April were making his bottle. She layed next to him on the bed and feed him his bottle,

"Shh..shhh...its okay Alex. C'mon sweetie~~finish up your milk..shhh...shhh"

He drinks his bottle only halfway then started to cry again, sobbing and wailing. April puts a wet towel on his forehead and went to get him his medicine and pour it on a spoon,

"Here baby, open up sweetie~~"

Alex pushed the spoon and spill all over his blanket. April did'nt know what to do as she almost cry herself. Then, a sudden tap on her bedroom window,

*tap tap tap*

April went to opened it and it was Leo,

"Hey Ape..we were on patrol a - -???!"


She wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt so relieved and so in tears,

"*sniff* Leo, Alex had a fever ..and ...he - he wont stop crying the whole day!! I dont know what he wants?! Please help me Leo, I don't know what to do!!"

Leo quickly got in and went to her bedroom. He sees Alex crying laying on the bed and gently lifting him up in his arms. He then touch his forehead. His eyes widen,

"April, he's burning up! Did you give him his meds?"

"Yes! But he did'nt want to..."

"Okay..uh..go get him his baby basin with water and a towel"

April rushed to the bathroom and bring in a Alex baby basin and a large towel. Leo then took off Alex pajama's and gently sat him in filled with water. Then he wet the towel and wrapped it all around him,

*Alex crying loudly*

"Shh..shhh..hey, hey..its okay Alex..."

"*sobbing* da-daaah!! Dada  dada   daa-daah!!"

"Shh..I'm here lil' guy~~"

Leo sweetly cooed to him.  Alex sobs slowly calm down. His body temperature cooled down. Then, Leo took him out and wipe him half dry. April helped him by getting Alex wear his fresh clean pajama and layed him back on the bed. Leo fed him his meds so easily,

"Thats a good boy, Alex...shh, now sleep"

Alex eyes slowly drifted to sleep with a wet towel puts on his head. April waited for him for a little while, patting gently on his chest then she and Leo went out to the living room leaving the bedroom door half open. April sat on a couch followed by Leo,

"*sigh* Thanks Leo. If its was'nt for you being here tonight I would've have burst out in tears...oh god! I'm such a terrible mother!"

She leans on Leo burrying her heads in his arms. He slightly chuckled and look down to her,

"You're a good mum, April. You're just...under..a lot of stressed. Maybe from work?"

She sigh and tilt her head up. Her chins on his arms, pouting her lips,

"My boss a bitch!"

Then both laughed. Leo raised up his arms and April gladly leans her head on his chest. Both wrapping their arms in each other. It was an akward moment though but April broke their silence,

"You're so warm Leo. Feels good cuddling with you.."

"Heh..we can cuddle like this everyday if you want to"

She smile and playfully slap him on his chest,

"Shudup Leo.."

They stayed cuddling in each other not long enough he heard a soft snore. He looked down and stroke her hair. Gently he raised up his arms off her and lift her up in his arms and walk to the bedroom. He layed her next to Alex and covered them both with a tick blanket. He smiled and make his way to the window. He was halfway out the window and took another glance over the woman he love laying peacefully sleeping,

" beautiful hogosha"

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