Annoying a Guy With a Gun!

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Currently you were making a large, mystifying cake. You were an expert at desserts. "Hey Lili...can you hand me the fondant?" Lili was a young girl you'd recently 'hired'. You couldn't properly hire her due to the fact that 'Big Bruder will shoot you if he finds out'. You had no intention of meeting Lili's big brother, nor did you have intentions of getting shot.

"Here you go!" Lili promptly handed you a sheet of rolled out fondant, which you draped over the cake and patted down to perfection. "So, um..I told Big Bruder about this place...he's going to pick me up today"

You froze, "You mean the crazy Swiss guy with tha gun...?" You only knew him from Lili's stories. Apparently he'd chased Feliciano, your best friend's brother, for miles while trying to shoot him. "Am I going to get shot..."

Lili shrugged, "I...I'm not sure, he's the type to, but since you've been so nice to me for so long, he might go easy on you..?"

"That goes on his definition of 'easy' really..." you mumbled, "Lets just get this cake done" 



Candy Flowers.

Chocolate shavings.

You finished within two hours, standing back, you were covered in flour, sugar, and even had a smudge of chocolate on your cheek. Lili finished it off by placing a candy rose in your hair. You giggled just as the door slammed open and there was a, "LILI?!"

Lili sighed, "That would be Big Bruder..." she hopped down off the counter and walked out to meet him, as you quickly washed your arms and face, taking your apron off, you followed after Lili.

Standing there, in all his armed glory, was Lili's big brother. He was a few inches taller than you, shaggy blonde hair, lithe. He also had a gun, a larger gun then you thought he would've had. You did your best to smile, "Hey..."

"So you're the one who's been with Lili" he stated, quite accusatory. He circled you how a predator would circle prey. "Interesting"

You spun around, keeping your eyes locked with his, "Y-Yeah..." you tried to act strong, not letting him get in your blind spot.

"Bruder..." Lili murmured, "Hanging out with Miss (Y/N) has been really fun. Please let me keep  coming over! She takes really good care of me and she teaches me how to make all these fun desserts, she can make really good chocolates, the kind you like. She makes me really happy, Big Bruder..."

The Swiss slowed down and walked up to you, a little too close in your opinion, "Look at me" a simple order, one that you followed with a small gulp. "If you hurt her, I will break you" he said this at a low whisper as not to let Lili hear.

You followed up with a "Yessir..."

"Miss (Y/N)?" Lili asked softly.

You were glad to turn your head away from the uncomfortably close Swiss, "Yes, Lili?"

She smiled sweetly, "Today was really fun. Do you think I could stay a bit longer to help you bake more?"

You sensed that she was trying to lighten the mood, and possibly show her brother that everything was okay, "Uh, yeah. Sure, it would be great to have your help. If your brother is okay with it, of course..."

"Vash name is Vash" he noted, taking a step away from you, "And...I guess, if it's going to make Lili happy..." he grumbled slightly, unhappy, but wanting to please his sister.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" you replied, glad the closeness had been broken.

He huffed in reply an turned away.

Lili skipped over and took your hand as well as her brother's leading you both into the kitchen. You considered noting your rule about no one in the kitchen but employees, but Vash had a gun that he clearly knew how to use. You decided to let him do what he wanted. Once in the kitchen, Lili sat you and Vash side by side, "I want Big Bruder to watch me make one of those cakes you taught me, (Y/N)"

You smiled encouragingly, "Go for it! You've done 'em plenty of times before and you can definitely do it now!"

Vash gave a slight smile, liking how you encouraged his sister. "Hey, (Y/N)" he stated as Lili got to work, "Thank you for taking care of my sister"

"Huh?" You turned to look at him, still uncomfortably close. Why did you always end up so close to this guy?! "No problem...she's fun to have around" You admitted, jumping a bit as you realized he was leaning closer. Wait. Was he about to kiss you? You weren't complaining, he was undeniably attractive, but still! He didn't have the right to do this! You froze.

"You have chocolate on your cheek" he stated, leaning away again. What a charmer.

You sighed, a bit relieved and disappointed at the same time, "Yeah, I know. I was making some earlier for a cake" You briefly explained.

"Well it looks like a mud splatter" he grabbed a paper towel and wiped it off, rather forcefully I might add.

"Your jacket is soft" you mumbled, accidentally speaking your thoughts. His jacket was soft, despite not looking so.

He rolled his eyes and sarcastically asked, "What, you want it or something?"

You shook your head aimlessly and looked away. So much for getting along with this guy. Yeah, he was super hot, but he was a complete jerk.

Vash then did something unexpected. He honestly didn't really know what to do, so this seemed like his only option at the time he put an arm around you. He honestly thought he was being sweet.

You froze. What. A. Jerk. A jerk that you couldn't dare stop because he had a gun, but a jerk none the less. You were saved by the ding of the door opening. Shooting up, you speed walked out of the kitchen and to the counter.

Had he done something wrong? He figured so. Vash was aware  that he couldn't express himself through words all that well. He stood up, motioning for his sister to continue and walked out into the shop, grabbing your arm just as you turned around.

"Vash" You said cooly, no longer trying to be nice.

He sighed and pulled you closer so that he could whisper, "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to act like a prick"

You both then heard an excited squeal from none other than Lili, "(Y/N)! Are you and Big Bruder in love?!"

You started to say no before you were interrupted by the Swiss, "Yes,"

As Lili skipped off, you looked up at him wide-eyed, "We what now?"

He sighed, exasperated, "I couldn't say no to seem sweet I guess"

"I run a sweet shop" you said bluntly, "Are we fake-dating now? If we are, can we be fake-engaged? I want free wedding cake samples."

He rolled his eyes, "Shut up, I'm only doing this for Lili. I don't like you, you're annoying"

You took a swipe of fudge frosting from a nearby display cake and placed it on Vash's nose, "Get used to it, sharpshooter."

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