Getting Flustered

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You and Vash had been fake-dating for a week before you couldn't take it. Every second you were alone with him it was a barrage of insults exchanged between the two of you, even a few slaps were thrown by Vash. You managed to explain this to Lili, who took it well, but made Vash apologize to you. To even it out, you apologized to him, right before giving him the silent treatment.

Vash didn't appreciate that.

As Lili swept the floor of the shop, Vash bothered you in the kitchen. "You're not going to ignore me forever, are you?"

You said nothing and continued putting careful plumes of icing on the cake.

"Say something to me" he demanded, his tone harsh as he did so.

"I thought you found me annoying? And now you're pleading for attention from me?" That was the first time you'd spoken a word to him in the last day or so.

Vash scoffed, "I just don't like being ignored, okay?" He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, something he did a little too often. Then again, when he demanded attention, he demanded it. "This 'Ignore Vash So He Gets Mad' isn't your best damn idea" his tone was pretty soft, but clearly a warning.

You decided to listen to him, "Alright...fine..." as he let you go, you went back to icing.

Vash sighed in something you couldn't figure out. Relief? Exasperation? He was a difficult person to figure out. He leaned on the counter next to you, "So, aren't you worried about the icing melting? I heard that happens"

 You chuckled, "Vash, are you really trying to give me lessons on cake decorating? I don't give you lessons on guns, now do I?" Glancing at him, you sighed, "And no. I put the cakes in a blast freezer beforehand, and the icing tubes are in the fridge to keep them solid"

"Oh. You have a point, I guess. What are you making after this?" He cocked his head to the side lazily.

Shrugging, you looked back at him, "Dunno. What do you want to make, Baby?" You often called him that, knowing he hated the nickname.

"Chocolate" his reply came instantly, right before, "But I'm not paying you, and don't call me that!"

You rolled your eyes. Moving closer and standing on your toes so you were a bit taller, you whispered, "Anything for Lili's big brother~" you traced your fingers against his hip for a second before chuckling and leaning back, "But seriously, don't worry about it, I won't make ya' pay"

Vash was busy blushing and freezing up.

"Vash? You okay-? Oh Gods are you blushing?" You smirked and took a picture.

"F-Fucking delete that!" He stammered, shaking his head before reaching to grab your phone.

You dodged, "Nope, Sir, you are adorable when you blush. Totally keeping this! I've even got a new game for us to play!"

Vash paused to relax, "Yeah? What's this 'game'"

"The 'Get Vash Flustered' Game!"


You rolled your eyes, "Still, I wanna play"

"Okay, Fine..." he sighed deeply, "What if I get you flustered first?"

"Well- um- lets see...winner gets whatever they want from the loser?" you suggested.

"Pretty generic, but deal" you shook hands.

After a considerable amount of time, you finished frosting that cake you'd been working on. All the while Vash had his arms around your waist. For someone that hated human contact, he really wanted to win this game. You were trying a different approach. Constant flirting and slowly building it up. What were you wanting from Vash? You wanted him to follow the damn rules, which you pointed out to him the third day. He ignored every single rule. 

After another three hours, you were feeding a very reluctant Vash chocolate. You really didn't like doing this, but you were quite competitive. You wanted to win. 

Vash, meanwhile, was waiting for the perfect moment. He knew exactly how to get you flustered. He'd just have to endure a bit of flirting and self-torture first. He sighed and obediently opened his mouth. He had to admit that the chocolate was good, so he wasn't really complaining, besides, he found you alluring, especially when you challenged him. He liked this competitive side that could match his own.

You were the first to pause the game, calling Lili in to have her try some chocolate.

"Big Bruder? Are you sure that you and Miss (Y/N) aren't in love? You say you aren't but you ARE in here eating chocolate together" 

Vash said nothing.

You sighed, "Lili, I am one hundred percent sure that me and Vash aren't in love."

"Shame" she sighed slightly, "You guys are really cute together"

Vash rested his head on the table, "How about you go get your things and  wait for me by the door, Lili?"

She nodded, "Yes Big Bruder!" And soon skipped off.

You stood up to start cleaning, "She really adores you, Vash"

"Yeah, I know" he smiled ever so slightly and stood up, wrapping an arm around you, he pulled you closer to him.

"Vash...whatcha doin'..?" You asked slowly.

"Winning. Clearly." He tipped your chin up and rested his forehead against yours, your lips barely brushing to his, "Because I don't lose

You were sufficiently red at this point. You thought Vash was not going to go that far to win. You quickly pushed him away, looking to the side, "Okay...whaddya want,"

He hummed, a slightly smirk dancing on his features, "I can have anything?"

"Yes you prick. Anything."

He shrugged, "Guess you're mine now" he grabbed his gun, which had been leaning against the wall.

"Wait I what now-" You stumbled for words. What the hell did he mean?

He rested his rifle over his shoulders, "You. are. Mine. What isn't clear about that? Also, make a note, I like to dominate and protect what's mine, just a warning for you"


"Not necessarily. I just own you now." He scoffed, "Like I'd want you as my girlfriend"

You huffed, "Jerk"

Vash sighed, "Alright. Let me explain this a bit better. I own you now. I like to be in charge, I also don't like anyone else touching what I own. Get it?"

"I'm gonna break this agreement off here" You sighed.

"Won't stop me from treating you how I wish" he sighed, "You're just going to get harder to deal with. Aren't you?"

Winking, you grinned, "I try my best, Baby"

He shook his head, "Yeah yeah, alright. See you tomorrow then" he walked out.

That's when you realized that he no longer minded you calling him 'Baby'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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