Welcome to Jabberwock Island

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Kiera Pov


My head felt a little foggy. Who was calling me?

"Hey are you alright."

I opened my eyes and saw someone in a green jacket with white hair hovering over me.

"Good I was concerned when I saw you sitting there looking really pale."

"No I'm fine. It's just a lot to take in is all." He extended a hand to me and I stood up using it. It was kind of funny that he was saying I looked pale considering just how light his skin was.

"Hey komeada wait up." A saw a boy with spiky hair running after him.

Who were these to I wondered. I just stared at the new boy for a minute and the first one spoke up.

"Um miss?"

I turned and looked around at the white haired boy.

"Oh sorry. I was just spacing out."

"Its okay I was just dragging hajime around here and introducing him to everyone." He said with a small smile on his face. "I'm nagito komeada the ultimate lucky student."

"Oh hi I'm Kiera the ultimate writer."
"Do you have a last name?" The boy hajime I'm guessing asked.
"I probably do but for some reason I can't remember it."
I heard a small laugh come from nagito.
"What's so funny about that?" I said slightly annoyed.
"Well we have hajime over here that can't remember his talent and you that can't remember your own last name. I wonder if the others have anything weird like that?"
Hajime looked at me "Just ignore him my names hajime hinata and I can't remember what my talent is. Maybe when things settle down well both remember alright."
"We're going to go meet everyone else wanna come with us Kiera." I heard nagito say.
"Sure that sounds really helpful thanks."
And we sent off to meet all the others.
While we we're walking my memories started to come back to me. We were on a island but we originally thought we were in a school. We were trying to figure out why were were just waiting there till a pink rabbit showed up and said we were all going to go on a field trip. It was to strengthen are bonds with each other and gather something called hope fragments? Whatever those were.
As we continued walking I felt something in my pocket buzz. I pulled it out and saw a small device that kind of looked like a phone. When I tapped it the screen lit up and said e handbook. It had a few different functions but only two of them were lit up. I clicked the first one and saw it was a little pet that apartly grew when you took so many steps. The next thing that I was curious about was the report card. I wasn't sure what we would need one for if all we were suppose to do is make friends with each other.
I clicked on it and saw all of are faces but in a chibi pixel art kind of form it had these little crystals around are faces and the ones around hajime and nagito had 1 lit up on each. Maybe that's what the hope fragments are. I clicked on one of the faces and saw it showed someone's height, gender, and some things they liked and disliked. It only did that for nagito and hajime though. So maybe when I met everyone else it would update to match theirs.
The was one last thing I saw that was interesting. It was a map of the island. Apparently this island was made up of five small islands and we were only on the first one. It also had this other interesting if not slightly disconcerning feature with the map. You could see where people were using this map. That's weird do these things have chips in them or something. Maybe just a location app that can't be turned off. I guess it could be helpful if you needed to find someone but I didn't really like that it was basically broadcasting were i was.
Distracted by the e hand book I walked into someone. I looked up and saw it was komeada who had stopped along with hajime in front of a farm.
"Be careful Kiera wouldn't you getting hurt now."
"Sorry." My cheeks reddened a little bit. I was a little embarrassed that I had ran Into him.
I walked up to were hajime was It seemed he was talking to a small girl in a traditional jappense robe. I never really liked introductions but here goes nothing.


Hi guys I'm starting a new book. And I now most of you guys must be thinking. Seriously another new book you already have quite a few you haven't finished but I felt like it. I wanted to try making something different with one of my favorite characters.
So I hope you like it and there will be some spoilers for the actual plot of danganronpa 2 in this so if you don't want any read at your own risk.
Anyways see ya guys later thanks for reading.

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