Some movies maybe?

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I was sitting in my cabin just pondering about I decided I could go check on fuyuhiko in the hospital but I didnt want to bother him or mikan. And I probably not know what to say so instead of going there and making awkard small talk I decided I would head out and just walk around. See who I ran into and decide what I wanted to do from there.

I got dressed and left my cabin.
As I walking around though I got to thinking about how I missed being able to go to the theater to watch movies it was a fun thing I rembered doing even if I didnt do it super often.
I decided It would be cool If we could watch actual movies again. Sure monokuma had qoute on qoute made a movie that'd probably be able to be the only think currently playable at the moment. But im sure with some tinkering and a Movie from the Supermarket or monomono machine we might actually be able to watch something again.
I headed over to Soda's cottage and knocked on his door. He opened it and I could see he was working on something in the back. Which made me slightly concerned because he might not want to help out if hes already doing something.
"Hey Soda would you mind helping me with something?"
"Depends what is it?"
"Well I was thinking since the theaters been opened and it has a second theater we could open it and show movies."
"Okay and?"
"Since I dont know much about that. I wanted to know if youd help me out."
"Gee Keira I would really love to but you see im in the middle of a project and I dont really want to stop what im doing."
"Okay I guess thats fine. Its to bad though I found a few movies at the general store and I thought Sonia would love this horror film I found." I said walking away.
"Wait-Wait-Wait did you just say Miss Sonia?"
"Yeah but its okay I can just give her the dvd. Sure it wont be as cool as seeing it on a big screen but im sure shell still like it."
"UM Dont do that! I just rembered i was going to swing by the theater myself anyways."
"Thanks Soda Ill let some people know and then head over. In a little bit." I said giving him a quick hug then leaving.
I almost felt bad manipulating the boy like that but I wanted to see movies and I know Sonia will be thrilled about the idea so no harm no foul right?
As I was heading towards the restaurant to see what people were there I could tell it about I heard a voice.
"Hey Kiera whatchu up to?"
"Oh nothing much." I said looking up seeing Hajime.
"Oh really now because you have this look on your face that says your up to something devious and I dont know if I need to be concerned or not."
"I wouldnt be to concerned Im just in the middle of a plan to get us working movies."
"Oooooooo how are you going to do that."
"Ah a woman never kisses and tells."
He gave this look and I couldnt help but laugh.
"I might have convinced Soda to modify the second movie theater projector so we can just play dvds but on a really big screen. So we can have the whole movie going experience again."
"And im sure you didnt mention anything about how Sonia loves horror movies didnt you?"
"Nope not at all." I said with a small laugh.
"Well I dont know if I want to be on the other side of your underhanded methods but Im not going to lie it is a ingenius idea."
"Yeah so you know what my best buddy hajime could do."
"Oh no."
"Relax its nothing bad. I just wanted to know if youd help me tell people."
"Okay I supose I can help you in this quest."
"Thanks Hajime!" I said heading off.
I was on a quest now. A quest to find people. And sure I didnt like horror movies that much and prefered the games but surely it couldnt be that bad and I was just excited to get the movie theater up and running.

I was startled by a scream. The music had been ominous but the killer just jumped out and scared the unwitting victim who had stupidly seperated themselves from the pack.
There was a chase scene and next thing I knew I heard another scream but this time it was more real. And then I saw a blur of yellow and pink run towards the door. Poor Soda he was really bad with these things. I couldnt see Sonia very well from where I was sitting but She seemed super excited when she got here so I bet she was still having a blast.

The only one I could see well was Nagito who I basically had to drag here. He tried to pull his whole I think I would ruin it thing again but I didnt want to hear it So I made him come on the condition that he didnt have to sit near anybody.
Some time passed and I had to admit the movie was starting to get to me a little bit. There was 3 victims locked in a basement 2 of them had already been killed and it seemed everycreak whether it was in the movie or from the building seemed to make me jump. It was doing one of those things were it was eerily quiet again and I was half covering my face with my hands.
"Kiera are you scared?"
I jumped. "No!........Yes. Shut up!"
Ugh he startled me.
"If you dont like horror then why did you recommend it?"
"I wanted Soda to fix the movie theater and Sonia likes horror. It was a neccessary sacrifice to make."
He laughed out a amused little chuckle.
"I dont think ive seen you so jumpy before."
"I can always leave you know."
"Well nothings Stopping you."
I was talking big but honeslty I didnt want to. So I was just going to sit here and peer through my hands. I jumped some when I heard a shuffling right as a loud sound effect played on the tv by vision was obsured by something. I went to move it some and saw that it was a green cloth that obsured my vision some. Had he thrown his jacket on me so I wouldnt see the spook.
Not gonna lie it made me a little happy. I moved it away a little bit so I could peek at him without him noticing hopefully. He was just sitting there fluffy headed and all looking right at me.
"Ah that was stupid of me wasnt it. You probably dont want my smelly jacket on you." He said reaching for it.
"No its mine now. Good luck getting it back." I said sticking my tongue out at him.
I had a feeling I had challenged him somehow because next thing I knew he was trying to grab his jacket back and I do everything I could to hang onto it. But I slipped up for a second and was yanked towards him along with the jacket. I could feel myself blush some I was basically agaisnt his chest. I coughed some and then righted myself. But I was glad it was dark because I could feel myself blushing.
Before either of us could really comment though the movie on screen credits where rolling. And the lights where coming back on. Sonia ran over to me and started gushing about how good the movie was. So I ended up walking and talking with her but my mind wasnt really focused on that at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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