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stan sat at his window, tracing his skinny fingers over the small raindrops that made their way down.

soft sobs were breaking the silence surrounding him as salty tears escaped his chocolate eyes and flowed endlessly down his pale cheeks. images of earlier flooded into his mind.

4 hours ago

"s-stop, bill! i'm ser-serious!"

stan's laugh was the only thing heard in bill's room as bill sat on top of him, tickling his sides mercilessly. bill smiled down at his lover as the angelic sounds pushed into his ears.

"oh, n-now you're making f-f-fun of me?"

bill climbed off of stan, a frown placed onto his pink lips and mischief glinting his ocean eyes.

stan sat up with wide, sorry eyes as he faced bill, bewilderment clear on his face.

"no, bill, im sorry! i didn't mean to, please don't be mad, baby, i love you." stan rushed out, tears forming in his eyes.

bill stared seriously into the smaller boy's eyes. a cheeky smile slowly crawled onto his lips, defying his fight to keep a straight face.

stan's worried face slowly turned into one of annoyance as he grabbed a pillow and threw it at bill. bill laughed loudly and pushed the pillow away before it hit his face.

stan crossed his arms and huffed, turning away from bill and pouting at the wall.

"i hate you."

bill crawled over to his grumpy boyfriend and grabbed his legs, shifting so stan's legs were laying on tops of his. bill pulled him closer so their faces were only inches apart and he could feel stan's hot breath on his lips.

"no you don't." he whispered, sending shivers down stan's spine.

bill placed a loose kiss on stan's lips before pulling away, leaving stan's lips to chase his for more.

"you're such a tease." stan sighed, flopping back on the bed and folding his arms behind his head, closing his eyes due to exhaustion.

stan's sweater sleeve rolled up slightly, revealing a few deep red cuts. bill noticed and visibly paled.

"what's wrong, handsome? " stan mumbled, noticing his boyfriend who was just staring at him, lost in his mind.

" w-what's that o-on you-your arm?" he didn't sugar coat it, he wanted to know right now.

stan's eyes shot open in panic as he realised what he was talking about. he rushed to cover his arm and jumped off the bed.

"um, i-i have to go." he stammered, running out of bill's door with tears rushing down his face.

"stan, w-wait!"

he heard bill's pleading calls but he just ignored it, sprinting out of the house and never looking back.

current time

stan broke down as he replayed what happened over and over and over again, just to torture himself even more.

how could he have been so stupid? now he ruined the only thing that made him happy.

his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when his doorbell rang continuously. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

his parents weren't coming home until the next day and he doesn't know who else would be at his door this late at night.

stan furiously rubbed at his eyes with his sweater paws before jumping off his window sill, sighing and tiredly making his way to the front door.

he stopped in front of it and hesitated before opening it, his sad eyes widening at the sight of bill holding a blade. bill pulled up the sleeve of his flannel before speaking.

"c-cut me."

bill's sorrowful voice broke as tears flowed freely down his cheeks, mixing with the drops of rain covering his face. stan just stared at him confused.

he said through tears, "i can't stand to know you're hurting yourself so if you need to cut something, cut me."

it was at that moment that stan broke into tears and hugged bill tight and never let go.

because true love is when you don't care if you have to be in pain, as long as the one you love is happy.

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