The bear got out of prison and said I'm coming for you then it was all over the news. The cop said Haley Atkinson Zachary Atkinson Natalie Atkinson and Hunter Sparkman run for your f****** life are you are going to die cuz they're scared they're just don't care and he said before he went to jail that he will come after y'all so Haley I can send you might want to run for piping up your loud mouth cuz if the scary bear runs in to Zachary he will bounce off like rubber so you might want to run yes Hunter said because Haley cut off the scare Bears head and start burning it in the fire with gasoline then Hunter got mad punch Zach in the mouth then Natalie grab the machete then cut Zack in the pieces and throw him in the fire with scare bear then they threw him into the water with this Care Bear then they said no more fat pigs allowed.