18: Baby Baby Baby

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Baby, baby, baby, I got so much love in me Oh baby, baby, Baby, baby, baby, Cause if you gonna get me off, You got to love me deep - TLC

     Baby, baby, baby, I got so much love in me Oh baby, baby, Baby, baby, baby, Cause if you gonna get me off, You got to love me deep - TLC

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Tristian Verací

" Pick what you want. " Brison says, following behind me in the DTLR.

" Anything I want? " I ask..

" Anything you want baby. " He smiled looking at a jogger outfit...

" Damn. You sitting on a coin. " I laugh, looking at a couple of pieces that caught my eye. Today was Christmas Eve and he wanted to spend some time with me. He's going to be out of town tomorrow with family and I won't be able to see him. My cousin is coming into town tomorrow and staying until New Year's day. I haven't seen him in a minute now, and it would be nice to catch up.

" I think we should wear matching outfits. " He says coming near me.

" What type? "

" Matching Adidas jogging outfits. I wear the black one and you wear the red one. "

I look forward trying to picture it in my head. " That sounds cute. "

" I'll get it for us then. What size you wear? "

" I'm a small. " He nods going to go get the outfits. My phone starts to ring as I look at the call. I answer it making sure Brison wasn't close. " Hey, Daddy. "

" What's up Baby. Where you at? "

" I'm out with my Mom for the day. Last minute shopping. One of my good cousins is coming in town tomorrow, and I have to get him something. What are you up to? "

" I'm out too. I hadn't spoken to you all day and wanted to see what's up. Am I gonna see you tomorrow? "

" Yes, Emon. I don't know what will be open though. "

" I just want to see you. "

" Well, you will. " I smile. Brison walks over holding up the outfits. I mute the phone quickly.

" This shit basic but it'll be dope for us. "

" I think we should get a necklace or something to make it really pop. I got shoes for it at home. "

He looks at our fits. "You right. I'll go grab two. " He says, walking off. I unmute the phone hearing Emon and his repeated Hellos.

" Sorry about that. My aunt had called. "

" So you didn't hear anything I just said? "

" No. "

" I said I may be spending the night at my Mom's tonight. Just in case you decided you wanted to come over. "

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