Death... Almost

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Felicity Monologue
Death is a cold place, a cool release from the harsh grips of life. It gives you comfort when you leave, let's you know it's your time to go. This isn't true. No matter what people say. You always leave this place, yes, but it's not always perfect nor peaceful. Yet we thank him for stealing us, and sealing our fate with cool ice-cold Silence. That is how you know you're dead...

"Captain Lance, you're being called to the Med Bay, they need help." The all to fimiliar voice of Gideon cut into her thoughts. Sara jumped up and ran to the Med Bay.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she ran in.

"Felicity's going into c.ardiac a.rrest!" Diggle responded.

"FELICITY!" Sara yelled and went to help pin her down whilst they tried to stop the c.ardiac a.rrest from going any further. Her heart rate was all over the place and off the charts!

After hours Felicity stopped, her heart rate going back to normal.

"Thank God! She's alive." Diggle sighed and put a breathing mask on her face. He held Sara tight and hugged her. "She'll be alright, she won't die on us." He whispered comforting words in her ear and she calmed down. He kissed the top of her head. The truth was, the man was worried about his best friend. He cared for her a lot. In a brotherly kind of way of course. 'I hope!'

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