Chapter 28

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Ugghhh!! why does he have to get so clever like that he knows that I can't go into a room with sunshine how can I kick his sorry butt like he deserves. I have gotten tired of him fooling me he makes me love him then he breaks it into a thousand pieces . I think this is the end I'm done I mean I can tell the Marshall is getting sick of Fiona... I think its time me and my brother step back a bit from those humans I think its only best that we do this not only for our lives but for our hearts to not be broken every time we meet each other. "Marshall...I think we should stop trying to be there lovers...if you know what I mean bro." I told my brother at my place. He stared at me for a moment then nodded at me."I think we should take a step back from those to but for how long?" he asked with a choking pain in his voice. I told him when we turn 21 that's when Finn turns 19 and Fiona turns 18 years of age ( I'll be 20) . "We must give them a letter tell them but we won't tell then when we will see each other again." I said a tear rushing down my face. Me and Marshall finished writing and sent them by the wind...I love Finn but I'm just breaking in to pieces when I see him I just need some time and he may think 4 years is to long but I think that's enough time for me to heal...

Finn and Fiona
" Letters from Marshall Lee and Marceline." said a candy servant. we got our letters and stared at them for a moment then Fiona just ripped into hers without saying. "He said...We are breaking... We need a b-break." she said rushing so fast down her face. I will kill Marshall for breaking Fiona I know Marceline wont do a thing like that...

Finn reads his Letter aloud:
Dear Finn,
I'm so sorry but I think that we should start going our separate ways. I feel like you make me happy but when we fight like this it just kills me I die every time we go through this so I'm letting you go. you are free to date anyone do whatever without me there by your side...just so you know as I write this letter my heart is breaking slowly into tiny pieces...Good Bye Forever My Dearest Human.
I Still Love You,
Marceline </3

"...She... still loves me but she doesn't want me any more...I broke her into piece...Fiona we have put so much pain into there hearts mixed with love we where breaking them... Fiona will you swear with me... That we may never fall in love ever again... as long as we live." I said to my sister crying so hard making her letter covered in tears. She looked at me for a second and shook her head. " And to make sure we never fall in love again we must not destroy these letters to remind us that we will never see letters like this ever again...ever again." she said in a fake smile. I nod and we left the Candy Kingdom with our belongings and we went back to the comfort of our friends Cake and Jake.
Trust me this is far from over I promise I won't let this story end here I will update very soon maybe in a few min or in hours or days or months or years but I promise to update this book I won't leave an awful ending for a book. tell me what you think of part 1 of Fiolee thanks for the comments you helped me want to update everyday so thanks to all the people who read this book and add it y'all are awesome I promise to update it will come soon so be patient

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