2 - Smoking Like a Sausage

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I’d decided to text Chester letting him know that I wouldn’t need the lift to the party after all. I couldn’t risk blowing this, all I had to do was find a way to convince Jace not to tell anyone until the end of the school year then I’d give up the whole act and he wouldn’t have to see me in any class expect Math.

The only question was how do I convince him. I had the whole night to think of something clever.

I sat in the middle of my floor with paper and pens coating the floor like a blanket around me. I could make a list of ideas and then he could just tick one.

1. Do your homework apart from Maths, I’m failing.


What could I write for two, what would the people in the movies do? A date is out of the question; gosh that would only make this whole situation ten million times worse.

What could I do.

2. Pay for your lunch for 2 weeks, nothing fancy girl has to eat also you know.

Maybe a list wasn’t the way forward, it was just reminding me of how stupid I was with decision making. Heck it was my stupid decision making that got me into this; who knows maybe he’ll just be cool and decide to not tell anyone let me continue as I am.

Yeah that’s really going to happen.

“Alyssa!” I heard my mom call, more than likely from the kitchen. She’d quit her job in hope of setting up her own business, and at the moment the business was located at home. Me attempting a healthy lifestyle was shortly kissed goodbye. I was the food taster, critique and well thief of the business. My brother had also been all those things before he left for college, now he was only the part time, occasionally food taster who got sent samples.

“What mom?”

“Will you come taste this Apple Pie?” How could I say no to a slice of pie, I’d been told by many that my mum may not make the best cakes but pies, pies were her specialty.

“Mom, how can I bribe a guy?” I realise how it must sound to any teenage girls mother. I wasn’t exactly bringing home a date every night and I wasn’t exactly the most social girl. I was more social as Kyle than I was me.

“Excuse me?” She’d almost chocked on her pie. This was going down well.

“No not like what you’re thinking, heavens no and gosh I wouldn’t talk about that with you either!”

Stop and run stop and run. Abort Plan. Abort Plan. Was all my brain screamed. I had to admit aborting plan was a great way to go.

“I mean to buy cakes, none of the guys I hang around with want any they are all fitness crazy so I was wondering how would you bribe a guy.” Why couldn’t I be one of those people who had a filter for the things they said.

“Honey, you haven’t been doing drugs have you, your acting rather… odd.”

It was officaly my turn to choke. “What?” I gasped swilling down the food with a glass of water. “No, I just wanted you to answer a question. I’ll google. it instead.” I excused myself from the table and plodded on up to my room to get back to my brain storming.


A knock came from the other side of my room. I was expecting it to be my mum to offer me some more apple pie; sometimes I had to wonder if she was trying to make me fat. Luckily enough I had managed to inherit her fast paced metabolism.

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