Bitch Who??

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" Yea and get all yo shit too! I don't give a fuck who dat dusty bitch is! Move in with that ugly bitch!" I yelled out to my cheating ass husband Ahmed.

"Bitch I been moved in, you was too stupid to see the shit earlier!"

"Yea, that's where you fucked up! To think that I was pregnant by you!!" My heart dropped when I saw the look he gave me.

"You said what!! Wait, baby you're pregnant?"

"Not after today boo." He began to charge at me.


Each word hit me with full force. So now this nigga gon pretend to fucking care! After all the late night cheating and dumbass business trips he took. Now he gon show that he cared.

" I'm not raising a child as a single mother. I also don't have to do deal with your lying ass. Therefore I'm going to abort it."

"No baby please! I mean I know I fucked up, I do. You can't do that to me, that's my first born you got in you. Don't take that away from me."

"You know how many nights I cried Ahmed? Huh? Do you know how many times I fell asleep in an empty bed? How many times I found bitches texting you and calling you? Don't play wit me boy, you did this to yourself."

With that I walked away slammed my door shut. I will never really abort my child. I always wanted a child with the one I married and loved. It hurts to know that the man you said your vows to would hurt you so bad I'm so many ways. Just for that he won't see his child, I know it's not the best decision but if he hurt me Ik he would hurt our baby.

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