Chapter 3

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"It is you. Oh, Clarence." He says, and I furrow my brow. He comes over and hugs me.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask not bothering to hide my disdain. He pulls away and looks at me confused.

"What? Son, it's me. It's your father." He says hurt, creeping into his voice. I push him away slightly.

"I gathered that, old man. You never hugged me before. What is your game?" I demand. I can feel my abilities stir.

"Clarence, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I have changed. I have been trying to find you for at least a century. I wasn't the best father to you during that hard time."

"You were never a father to me!" I snap, and he takes a couple of steps back. "You abandoned me and Mother when I was two. TWO! Then whenever Aro brought me to Volterra you decided that you were too good for me. Then you abandoned me again! You were never my father."

He hangs his head as I go back to my bike. "Bella, how do I get to your place? I told Charlie I would spend a few nights there."

"Uh. Y-yeah." She says then she gives me directions. I start my bike and ride off. Before I get there I stop and go into the tree line. I want so badly to cry.

'Just like everything else. That was taken from me. The only thing I can do now is get angry. Stupid Aro. Stupid Carlise. Stupid Clarence!'

I hit a tree and there is a crack as it falls to the ground. 'I guess they do make a noise when no one is around to hear it.'

I sit against a tree then lay my head back and close my eyes. This is the only peace I can find. That is one thing that hasn't changed. I still feel close to my mother while I sit in the woods. It is the perfect place to die. Speaking of death. I can hear a wolf approaching.

I open my eyes and see an unimpressive brown wolf standing in front of me. "If you are going to kill me. Make it quick. I tire of this life."

The wolf cocks its head and another wolf comes out from the trees and looks at him. I close my eyes again and wait for death.

"You aren't afraid of us?"

"Of course not. If I wanted to live you would have no chance of killing me. It is only to protect... The coven close by that I have not attacked." I say not opening my eyes.

"You know them?"

"Only just. The head of the coven was my sperm donor." I say and then I open my eyes and look at the man in front of me. "If you are going to kill me I beg of to make it swift."

"You are Carlisle's son." He says then he looks at the other wolf and sighs. "By the terms of the treaty, we can't kill you. Sorry."

"Damn. I thought I had found a way out." I say and I look to the woods to my right and I see more wolves.

"Why do you wanna die so badly?"

"I am tired to put it simply. Since the day I was born, I have been a tool. Even more so after I was changed. I never got any freedom. That was not a luxury I was afforded. Now I am on the run in a way. I just want something stable. Death seems to be the one stability I can count on, but then again. I am sitting here talking to you 341 years after my birth. I guess I can't count on that either."

"You are 341 years old?" The man asks and I tilt my head to the side briefly.

"Somewhere around there. We weren't part of the upper class and the lower class records were not kept like the upper classes." I say and he nods.

"How old were you when you were changed?"He asks as he sits down in front of me.

"Seventeen to the day. The eve before my 17th name day I was forced to participate in a witch hunt. They burned a friend of mine at the stake under the false claim that she was a witch. In reality, she was engaged to a man twice our age and she didn't want to marry him. That was the last night of my life. My name day was mostly spent tied to a fence and getting beat and assaulted by my grandfather. A lovely way to spend the day, yeah?"

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