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Your fashion sense

I don't care what anyone else says — you are a supermodel! The way you dress and always look gorgeous. You put everyone else's wardrobe to shame — mines mostly. You can literally rock anything. You'd look great even in a trash bag, honestly. If we were to have matching clothes, like couple outfits, you'd look unarguably better than me. I wonder how I would look if you styled me one day. Definitely looking forward to that, Model Kang.

"Model Kang? I'm no model!"

"In my eyes you are. Those fashion shows beg to differ."

"I'm not invited to model, though. I just watch the models."

"And I'm telling you that you could be. Actually, you already are!"

She glanced at his outfit and pondered. "Maybe I could be a fashion designer. Or a stylist! Then I could pick outfits for groups, like EXO, BTS, Twice, GFriend, etc..." She jumped up, filled with happiness.

Jaebum pouted. "I want you to style me, not them."

She patted his head. "I was kidding, Jaebummie. Of course I'll style you, and only you." She grinned.

20 Things I Love About You [JaeGi] ✔Where stories live. Discover now