Vampy stew

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar scents. Sitting up, i rubbed my head, trying to remember the events leading up to me being in this room. Images flashed into my mind, as if i was watching TV, everything came flowing back to me. I was on my way home from the blood bank when i got attacked by a wolf. Footsteps bring me back to the present and i close my eyes and lie back down, feigning sleep. My hearing sharpened as i listened for anything that would give clues to where i was.

"She's still out?" A familiar voice asked,full of worry. It was the guy that drugged me.

"I wouldnt worry Alpha, she should be fine, she is after all a bloodsucker and we dont know how they react to things." A different voice replied.

The first guy sighed, " Youre right Timber." Then his repulsive smell overwhelmed me and i felt him stroke my cheek. It toom all of my will power not to drain him dry, especially as i was starving.

"Alpha, not to rush you or anything but you have a meeting in five minutes." The other man, Timber , said after a few moments. Finally, as the repulsive smell started to fade away my attacker said,"Very well Timber, i will get Ramon to come keep watch over her. No-one is allowed to hurt her." The scents of the two men faded as did the footsteps. Once i was sure i was alone, i opened my eyes and took a look at my surroundings.

I was in a grand room with a glass door leading onto a balcony. Looking outside, i saw the sun was going down, meaning it would be dark pretty soon. Perfect. The bed i was laying on was queen size with a large comforter that was now on my lap from when i pushed it down to sit up. Across the room was a fireplace with two chairs and a coffee table in between them. There were three doors, including the outside door in the bedroom. If i was to assume, i would say, one led to a bathroom, one to a closet and one into the hallway, but only the last one was significant to me. Slowly, i got out f bed, placing my feet on an amazingly soft surface. I notice that it was a huge rug that covered a lot of the wood floor. A flash of colour alerted me to the fact that i was not wearing my jeans and black hoodie like i was when i left my house. Instead, i was in a bright green silk robe and i only had my undergarments on underneath. Who in the heck changed me? If it was wolf-boy, i was going to rip his throat out. I mean, i was going to anyway but now i was going to make it extra painful.

Following the repulsive scent of the two men that had just walked out, i heard humming and a new scent wafted in my nose as the person got closer. Suprise, suprise, it was another werewolf. I backed up against the wall, waiting for the person to enter the room. The door opened letting a woman walk in. She lookes around, confused and i took her distraction as an opportunity to leap for her throat. Her eyes bulged as i wrapped my habds around her neck, not wanting to kill her just yet.

"Where am i?" I hissed in her ear. She shook her head as her fce  started to go purple because of how strong my grip was.

"Where am i?" This time, i yelled instead.

"Alphas palace." She managed to choke out. Knowing enough for the time being, i bend her neck to get clear access of her throat. It was rumoured that wolf's blood was good, i guess it was time to find out. Just as my teeth sharpen, footsteps ran into the room. Crap! I lift my ead to see the wolf-boy from last night; standing there looking through some papers. He looked up only to do a double take when he saw me.

" I assume youre the Alpha?" I asked dangerously, keeping my grip tight.

He nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off the woman.

"Great, so this should be easy. You take one more step towards me, i rip out the throat of this lovely woman here. I know that you feel pain when a pack member dies, so i would be delighted to test that theory. Another theory i would like to test is how painful a Vampires bite can be to werewolves. If you make any motion to harm me, that theory would be tested also. Do i make myself clear?"

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