Brotherly Time (part 2)

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(M/N) Point Of View (P.O.V)

After I took a bath, I went downstairs to the dining room. My brother wasn't there so I sat at the very end of the table and a few maids brought me my favourite food. I ate hapily while waiting for Xander.

Xander's P.O.V

I sigh as I wrote an invatation to many families. Like the Vargas family, Phantomhive, the Trancy's and many more. One family name is quite funny. The F.A.C.E family. "Father must had a lot of friends..even weird ones." I though. I sigh and stood up and went to the dining room. 

I saw (M/N) eating. I sat at the opposite side from (M/N). "What took you soooo long?!" he asked. "I will tell you the news later. Eat your food." I said. "Wait, next week is my birthday! Can I invite Dipper and his family??!!" he asked. "Stop screaming and yes you may invite them." I said. The maids brought my food and we ate in silence.

Time skip brought to you by DORITO! 

After dinner I pull (M/N) to my study and made him sit at the opposite side from where I sat.

"Next week, on your birthday. We will be having a lot of guest. They are all fathers friends.They are all older than us, so treat them like your elders." I said. "So tomorrow, I'll bring you out to send invatation to the people you want to invite." I said. 
"Really??!! Are you an alien or did you change your ways to make me happy?!" (M/N) shouted. "Nope, I'm an alien. Of course I'm trying to make you happy!!" I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. (M/N) laughed.
"Whatever, go to bed. You must sleep early." I said. 
"Xander." "What?" "I love you." 

My eyes widen then I smiled, for the first time.
"I love you too." 

Normal P.O.V

So both brothers went to sleep. Little did (M/N) know that a certain golden eyed male is watching him. 

Yandere!Bill Cipher x Male/Reader x Yandere! Dipper PinesWhere stories live. Discover now