A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Artison

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  Then Onfria walked into the palace, "Here you go~, one twenty-four carat diamond necklace for the queen~!" Onfria sang enthusiastically. "Why thank you Onfria. It is just as beautiful as her soul and spirit, yes it is the best!" exclaimed the Pharaoh. Then Onfria walked out of the palace. Something in the bushes rustled. "W-w-who's t-t-there?" Onfria stuttered. Then a bunny jumped out. "Oh. It's just a small bunny-". Just as Onfria said that, a man knocked her out. She had been kidnapped. DUN DUN DUN! "OWWWIE! MY HEAD HURTS!" Onfria shouted. "KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" A voice whisper shouted. "W-who's there?" Onfria whispered. A fifteen year old boy came out of the darkness. He removed the hood he was wearing. It was the Pharaoh's son...... ESHAQ! DUN DUN DUN! "Why a-are you doing this?" Onfria asked. "Because I want to become pharaoh , but my dad isn't dead! So either I kill him, and become pharaoh in jail, OR I go to jail!" Eshaq explained. "But you go to jail either way!" Onfria pointed out. "Yes because I kidnapped you! DUN DUN DU- oh wait you already knew that." They heard soldier footsteps coming close to the house. "I heard something" Soldier 1 told Soldier 2. He kicked down the door. Onfria was tied up and Eshaq was hiding behind her. Eshaq was taken to court and Onfria was sent to the Pharaoh. "What happened?" the Pharaoh asked. "Your son wanted to become pharaoh. I don't know why he kidnapped me, but he did." Onfria explained. "Oh. Well you had a rough day today Onfria. You go ahead and go home. Bye and goodnight." the Pharaoh called. "Thank you your majesty. Goodnight." Onfria bowed. It was night when she walked out. Everything was silent.


I don't know what we were thinking when we wrote this XD! Keep in mind I was a year younger and Jello was 10. What have we made. Sorry I'm not sorry JelloJC. >:3

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