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I awoke in my bed and looked around, confusedly, how did I get here? 

Suddenly, I stood from the bed, my body moving on its own accord. Then I heard it. Jack screaming.

I hauled myself to the door, dragging, limping almost, across the room.

Darkness swirled around my head as I staggered down the never-ending hallway.

The door to the back bathroom hung open and trembled. The whole apartment trembled, I slumped onto the wall, but it warped away from me. I dropped to the ground with a yelp.

I shakily picked myself up off from the floor and went on toward the bathroom. I was only a few steps away from the door, but when I reached out for it, it wavered like a mirage and disappeared.

I faced a blank wall.

I turned around and found that I was still at the end of the hallway, the door to the bathroom on the far side. The screaming  persisted.

Desperate now, I ran towards it. This time not dissipating when I touched it, I gripped the door frame tightly and stared inside the room.

A body lay on the floor, crumpled in a mangled heap. A figure loomed over it. Looking more closely, I drew back in horror. The body was mine.

The figure lifted its head, its red, glowing eyes pierced me to my soul.

Long matted hair, twisted and tangled through dreggy, obtrusive ribs, dead, black skin caved in to outline sinewy tendons, and spindly fingers twitched, slowly.

Light gleamed off of its pointed teeth as its crude lips curled into a demonic smile.

It raised its hand and its cold fingers encircled my throat.

I screamed.

My lungs throbbed and my vision blurred. I slipped.

And I didn't stop falling.

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