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Snow fluttered down on the streets of Nouveau Départ for the first time in a hundred years. People walked out of their houses into the white brick roads, while others stepped onto their balconies from the large apartment buildings. 

On this same night was a boy - seven years old - who walked alone in the dark. He took the routes farthest from people, the allies, and empty places. He was wrapped in a lab coat with a name tag that read 'Dr. Gale' on the breast pocket. 

He walked down a white road, leaving footprints in the thin snow. As he shuffled down the empty street, shivering with his head down, he looked up and saw a man standing fifty feet in front of him in the middle of the street. He was staring right at the boy with his back to the streetlamp, casting him in a shadow. 

Every other person the boy had encountered he had run from, but this man didn't scare him. There was something inhuman about him, something that made him different. As the boy watched, the man turned and began to walk away, and for the first time, the boy followed instead of running.

In that hour, a dark haired woman stood in front of her office window, watching the snowfall. With no need for warmth, she let the room's temperature fall to five degrees as winter air slipped through the window. She hadn't moved in an hour, not even a twitch. She held a glass in her hand that had thin layer of ice in it with poise. The door cracked open and the woman's personal assistant came in.

She shivered in her yellow cardigan as she said, "Madam Minister? It's-it's a bit chilly in here. Would you like me to-"

"Leave it." The minister's voice was as cold as the room.

"Yes Madam. Can I get you anything before I go?" The assistant asked politely.

"No. Now go." She said, a mechanical undertone coming into her voice.

"Yes madam. Good night."

As the door closed the sound of retreating footsteps followed. The woman moved her stiff body, the sound of metal popping instead of bone as she walked to her sleek black desk. She picked up her ovi-form from the desk, holding the oval tech in her hand as she turned it on.

"Dane I want to initiate Shutdown, code Centurion, password la perfezione è completa." The Minister ordered, her voice sounding defeated. The ovi-form named Dane answered back.

"So soon? You could leave now, escape. They wouldn't catch you." He said robotically. Her glowing teal eyes flashed in the dark as she blinked.

"No, it's too late. The pilate has no doubt already spoken his piece of the twisted truth - I should've known better. The boy is nowhere to be found. The Roman Project is over." 

She set the ovi-form on the desk, walking to the window to watch the streets of her city. Sirens rang in her ears as she watched the flashing lights below.

Code centurion had begun. 

        Thank you for reading! If you liked it give it a vote!  BTW what do you think of character pictures/casts in wattpad books, yeah or nah?

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        Thank you for reading! If you liked it give it a vote!  BTW what do you think of character pictures/casts in wattpad books, yeah or nah?

Also Just a quick note that this a re-write (so technically my 2nd draft) but it's not edited yet. So there's many mistakes, feel free to point them out if you notice any. Also last but not least, I don't consider this a 'Wattpad story' - don't get me wrong i love those - but this is not that. I consider this a book that's a work in progress and I aim to one day publish it, and hopefully if it's gets enough attention, that can happen💗 

Lots of love ~ Tatyana 

The Roman Project: The WrongedWhere stories live. Discover now