Chapter 10

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Once everyone opened their presents, Mrs Weasley surprised us with a group picture. I did not intend to be in the picture, but Ginny literally dragged me in it. I did not want to ruin their photo by being uncomfortable, but the twins made a joke that had everyone burst into laughter. Once the photo was taken, I went outside for a little bit of fresh air. I did not light my wand; I liked the darkness under the stars. I lied on the grass and looked at the sky when something blocked my view.

"Hey there."

"Charlie, I'm going to believe you're following me," I said laughing.

"Well, maybe I am," he said, lying next to me.

"I believe I have something for you."

"Me too."

"I'll go first," I exclaimed, "because why not."

He laughed and we sat in front of each other. He opened the small package and pulled out a large bracelet made of dragon leather, with a small Unalome sign craved on the leather, with a tiny yin and yang in the middle, which only appears when the skin is very warm.

"Okay don't think it's weird, I can explain."

"It's not weird. But please explain," he said smiling.

"This is a Buddhist symbol; it represents the enlightenment. It shows that the path to awakening is not always straight, or that there is no right direction. Life is full of lessons to learn."

I could see him carefully listening to me, I hoped I was not blushing.

"There is always a lot to be learnt," I repeated, "like dragons, or disapparating. I feel like this symbol is soothing, and it is a reminder that not because you think you failed means you really did. And the Yin and Yang I guess you know what it means, the duality etc, it works as a focus. Like the sun-the moon–the truth, or the three D's, except much cooler."

"It's lovely, Nora. Thank you very much," Charlie said hugging me.

"You're welcome, I was afraid you wouldn't like it to be honest."

"No, it's great, I really like it," he said, putting the bracelet on his left wrist. "So, my turn now."

He handed me a small package, and I pulled out a silver bracelet, with a little dragon charm and a small red stone for an eye.

"I figured since you liked dragons, you would like it. Sorry, I have nothing cool to say about it except I'm pretty sure it would look good on you," he said laughing.

"It's very nice, I love it. Thank you," I said hugging him.

I contemplated the bracelet; the dragon was beautiful. Charlie helped me put it on, and I admired it. We stayed silence for a while.

"When do you go back to Romania?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning, I have a portkey at 8am."

"Oh," I simply said, disappointed.

"I know," he said, breaking the silence, "this bracelet has to remind you that you can come and visit any time you want, is that okay?"

"Yes, sure," I smiled at him, but it was more of a sad smile.

He rose on his feet and offered me a hand to get me up on my feet.

"It's Christmas, don't be sad tonight."

"I'm no sad," I simply lied.

"Let's get back inside.," Charlie suggested, keeping one of my hand in his.

I entered first, and Ginny ran to me, asking what we were doing outside, and why I looked sadden. Charlie answered for me, and told everyone at the same time that he was leaving the next morning. The mood of the room decreased very quickly. Only his parents knew, and his siblings were deeply disappointed to not have any more time to share with him.

It was not very late yet, Charlie said he was not going to bed yet, and that his brothers could stay with him for as long as they wanted. Which they did. They stayed for hours in the living room. Bill was the first to leave, followed by Percy. At some point, I got up and walked towards the stairs. Charlie's gaze had followed me. I turned around and smiled, wished him goodnight.

When I woke up in the morning, I was scared Charlie was already gone. I wanted to say goodbye properly. I got dressed as quickly as possible and ran down the stairs. When I arrived, I saw the kitchen's clock indicating 7:45am.

"What are you doing already up? You went to bed very late you should still be sleeping," Mrs Weasley said.

"I'm good. Is Charlie gone already?"

"Almost," he answered behind me.

"Hi," I said turning to him.


We stared at each other a moment, I looked at him from head to toe. He was ready to leave. I noticed he was not wearing my gift. He looked at me for a second and turned to his mother.

"The portkeye is on the top of the hill. I'm leaving in in five minutes."

"Are you taking a broom?" His mother asked.

"Disapparating, actually," he answered, "I'm taking my suitcase outside, and I'll be back to say goodbye."

He went outside, and I followed him.

"Hey, do you mind if I come with you?"

"I'd prefer not," he said avoiding my eyes.

I was not expecting that answer. He was being distant. I went back inside the house without looking at me. Once back outside, I was sitting on his suitcase.

"You know I don't actually need your permission, right?"

"Nora, you should stay here. You don't even know where the hill is."

"Charlie, I want to come with you, what's wrong with that?"

He stood in front of me and looked at me deep in the eyes.

"Everything. Nora, you are young, you're too young. You shouldn't hold on to me."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hurt.

"I'm not blind, you know," Charlie smiled. "Nora, you have to stay here, to keep studying, to keep casting these crazy-amazing spells, and to keep learning about dragons and everything else."

We looked at each other for few seconds, but he had trouble holding my gaze. I took a step back, with an ironic smile.

"You're the one who's trying not to hold on to me. You're uncomfortable."

"I'm not –" he started. "I have to go."

He unexpectedly hugged me and put a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Don't forget to visit me sometimes," he eventually said before disapparating.

I stood there for a moment. I was not really upset he left. I was not expecting him to take me with him or anything, but I did not want him to go. I went back inside after a moment, everyone was up. Mrs Weasley was probably the saddest of them all, even though she tried to hide it. The twins were really nice to her that day, and Ginny and I helped her as much as possible. I spent the day with them but I had to go back home eventually. Ginny was sad I had to leave, but she understood. Her brothers came to say goodbye, and I had the heart-warming feeling that they liked me.

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