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An obnoxious beep beep beep wakes me up out of my sleep. I roll over on my side and find my naked ex still asleep. Oh yeah, it was a long night, with Mia's nice tits. Her moaning from last night crosses my mind, but I wasn't in the mood for a round two. Our little fling from last night was just to kill time, and for me to distract myself from my impending show down with my mom as soon as I get home.

It wasn't enough to have me on my knees so I can get with her again. The sex was just sex. There are different types of sex, like passionate, erotic, etc. Mia didn't give sex like that, it was only plain sex.

I sit up on the edge of her queen sized bed, the sheets were everwhere. I find my clothes scattered on the floor and put them on. Soon I'm out the door, and walking back to my house. My mother and her loser husband
were still asleep, when I walked in, it was so silent you could hear the light breeze outside.

I literally tiptoe up the stairs, careful not to make them creak so I can get in, get my books from school and just get out. My mission is complete and I walk past the once abandoned house while I'm on my merry way to school.  And then I see her, the girl that waved to me yesterday, the girl that just moved into the abandoned house with the freaky stag skull decorated with feathers.

She had a backpack hanging by her left shoulder. After a solid 20 minutes on my way to school she's still walking in front of me, and soon the front entrance to good ol' Winton High School comes in to view. I realize that she must be a new student. I wonder how this freak is going to fit in..

When I reach inside, I see her making her way down the hallway to the main office. Walking at a fast pace her dark locks of hair bounce up and down behind her, while her hips swished from side to side. It was kind of sexy to watch. But I got distracted when a meaty hand patted me on the back.

" 'Sup Mason"says Aiden one of my closest freinds since 6th grade, with a goofy smile.

"Oh you know, just enjoying the rest of my high school career while I get stupider in good ol' Kiss-My-Ass-Winton High School, nothing out of the ordinary". I reply with a smirk.

Pretty soon all the guys in our clique find us. There's Aiden, me, Issac, Roman, and Logan. Each of them greet me with a pat on the back, it was the manly thing to do. A very annoying riiiinngg signals us to all go to class. Roman, Issac, and I head to our first period chemistry class.

Issac smirked "So how was Mia last night?".

I turn to look at him "So how many know".

"Everyone in our group chat".

Which means everyone in our clique and Mia's. My guys don't talk, whatever happens in our group stays in our group. It's Mia's group that talks like there's no tomorrow. A look of annoyance and distgust crosses my face.

Roman and Issac laugh.

"Dude" Roman says "you know how she is,  so why would you want to hook up with her again.

"It wasn't even good sex" I reply. "I just needed a distraction".

Issac studies my face "Is it the warden again?".

My freinds know how religiously anal my mom is, now that she's married to that middle aged balding fucker. So they're aware of the shit that goes on in my house.

"Yeah" I bite my chapped lips, a habit I've had since third grade. We're not walking anymore, just standing in the middle of the empty hallway. Class is about to begin any minute now, but no one moves.

Roman smiles and his dimples begin to show "You know, my parents are going out of town next week on this buisness trip. So we could get all the guys together, bust open the liquor cabin and have a few drinks".

"Sounds good" says Issac.

I smile. Sure my guys can be assholes, but they were my assholes.

"Ok" I say.

Another annoying riiiiinnng, goes through the hallway.

Issac sighs "Welp, sounds like we're late for Mrs. What's-her-face".

We each laugh and continue our walk to first period.

"I still can't believe she gave you detention three times within the first two weeks of school" says Roman.

Issac shrugs "What can I say? I'm a badass".

As soon as we enter the classroom, Mrs. Hoooker (no really that's her name) bombards us with her favorite question "Why are you late?".

"Sorry" replies Issac "But frankly my dear I don't give a damn".

The class snickers. Mrs. Hooker clears her throat "Issac, are you asking for your fourth detention this month?".

"Well it's not my fault sarcasm is the body's natural reaction to stupidity".

Ok, now that I had to laugh at.

"Would you like to join him, Mr. Ruthford?" she asks with a hard gaze.

"No, miss" I say.

"To your seats, now".

We each take our assigned seats, and that's when she arrived. The abandoned-house-girl. This time I got a good look at her face. She was actually really pretty. Her dark locks of hair swarmed around her oval and angular face.

Mrs. Hooker squints her eyes "And why are you late?".

"Sorry" she replies "I'm new to the school".

Mrs. Hooker's stare eases a little "Your name?".

"Devon Primrose" she said in a soft voice.

"Well welcome to Winton, please take your seat next Mr. Ruthford, Mason raise your hand".

I raise my hand and her eyes meet mine but she quickly looks away.

Mrs. Hooker clears her throat "Now if I may begin our lesson for today".

As she begins the boring lesson on atoms, compounds and I-can-care-less-on-what-comes-out-of-her-mouth  I tune her out, and stare at the girl from the corner of my eye. One hand is holding her chin while her elbow is resting on the desk. On her index finger is a weird crystal ring, it was grayish brownish and coarse. She starts taking notes, I probably should too but I don't.  I'm hooked onto this girl.

She lifts her head and turns to look at me. Her eyes are a smoky green with a look of intensity. It was like looking into a kaleidoscope of raw emotion.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

I give no anwer, I can't remember the last time I froze because of a girl. My face begins to heat up. The girl,with a worried expression, looks away. Stupid. I'm  so freakin stupid. I don't look at her for the rest of the period,  soon the bell rings. She quickly leaves, while I sink into my chair out of embarrassment. What the hell was that??

As my thoughts race, Roman thought it would be funny to stick a pencil in my ear. I jump, startled by the weird sensation.

"Dude" Issac says "you wanna be late for next period too?".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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