Whipped Cream

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No smut in the this chapter, Jackson likes being licked too much, Jackson is whipped as whipped cream, fluffy

            Mark and Jackson loved movie night. It was their rare  opportunity to get away from all the other members and have time as a couple. No loud interruptions, no having someone awkwardly walk in on their make-out sessions. The only downside was that once a month they had to pile their money together to get the boys enough to stay out all night.

             But it was a small price to pay. At first Mark insisted they watch The Conjuring, but Jackson got scared and they decided to watch Waterboy instead (Not that Mark didn't like Jackson clinging onto him when he got scared). While Jackson pulled it up on Netflix, Mark went into the kitchen to grab the traditional movie night snacks. They had the typical popcorn, m&m's, etc. but one treat that was special to Markson movie nights was cherries and whipped cream.

            Back in the early days, the first movie night was an accident. Mark and Jackson had "taken too long to get ready" and the other boys left them. So the two looked at each other and decided to watch a movie. Jackson searched for movies, calling out titles every few minutes while Mark searched for popcorn.

            The thing is, for some reason the only bag of microwave popcorn they had only had instructions in Thai, and their only member who could speak Thai fluently was out to eat. "Eh, if we pop it in for five minutes it should be fine." Mark shrugged. They agreed and went to set on the couch.

          The couch was small, so Jackson sat snugly in Mark's lap so they could both see the laptop screen. The only problem with this arrangement was that the two boys had recently developed feelings for each other, both of them being close to asking the other out. And, because they were hormonal young men with no control over themselves, Mark ended up pinning Jackson against the arm of the couch with his tongue stuck down his throat.

           Just as Mark went to put a hand under Jackson's shirt he heard a muttered "do you smell that?" From the boy beneath him. Sure as  hell, their bag of popcorn was on the verge of flames. After opening a window, a bit of screaming, and a bandage for Mark, they had to find something else to eat.

           "Whipped cream!" Mark exclaimed. Jackson bunched his eyebrows up. "Just whipped cream?" Mark rolled his eyes and opened the fridge. "Uhhh, we've got pineapple, bananas, oranges, cherries..." Jackson grabbed the package of cherries and whipped cream can and held it fast "Yep, this is good."

             And so, because of Thai popcorn, inconvenient hormones, almost setting the kitchen on fire, and a want for whipped cream, they had their own tradition. A bowl of cherries, a full can of whipped cream, and lots of kissing.

The two sat as close to each other as they could, Jackson nuzzled into the crook of Mark's neck, Mark's hand held protectively at Jackson's hip. They snuggled closely, the love apparent if anyone walked into the room. Every few minutes was accented with laughter, kisses, or both.

After Waterboy finished, Jackson insisted on watching a Disney movie. Zootopia was always a favorite, but Jackson loved to sing along to Moana so they put that on. During the movie Mark got a little bored. So, he took his faithful can of whipped cream and smeared a little on Jackson's cheek. "Mark! That's cold!" Mark chuckled, licking the sweet substance off his boyfriend's cheek. "Sorry babe."

Jackson whined a little. "Oh god." Mark thought "he's doing the cute thing again." Mark took more whipped cream, smearing it along Jackson's jawline and part of his neck. Mark licked up in a straight, thin line. Jackson whimpered  softly.

            Mark stopped and went back to watching the movie. "B-but Mark..." Jackson pouted. "After the movie babe." Jackson pouted more, but eventually came to terms with the agreement. Jackson fell asleep in Mark's arms a few minutes later. When the movie finally ended, Mark shut off the laptop and gently shook the boy snuggled next to him.

           "Jackson?" Jackson woke up and looked to the older boy. "Yeah?" The younger asked, still a bit dazed. "Do you still want some whipped cream?" Jackson nodded quickly while Mark dragged them off to Mark's bedroom.

           After all, it was only nine o' clock. The boys wouldn't be back till at least two. It was only fair they had some fun.


Smut in the next chapter fam. It's gonna be GOOD (haha as if I could write good smut).

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