The Beginning of a Long, Sarcastic Relationship

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Chapter one: Kidnapping and Meeting

A prince and a terrorist. 

Unrest grew in his kingdom.

She wanted to liberate  hers.

When a Queen of the underworld meets a prince, what will  she sacrifice for the sake of freedom?

What will he give for his only love?


Hello! This is my first original fiction on Wattpad. Please be patent and let me know of any mistakes. I love you all for your support as you read my story. I hope it is interesting to read.

(Read the thing after this. It is really important to the story.)


Without her sight, her scent had taken over.

She remembered days of darkness- the smells of the world as she was ripped through it. She remembered the foul scent of manure and sweat- the metallic tang of a soldier's armor. She remembered the rough callouses of a guard's hand or the soft touch of a courtesan's.

She remembered the carriage ride- she remembered the guards shoving a powder down her throat- the burning sensation as her magic was ripped from her.

It was as the world reinforced itself around her, the magic that lives in her body being locked away. Numbness had overtaken her- each sensation seemed dulled without magic. She could no longer feel the life around her. 

Never before had she smelled something so... lacking. Wherever she had been taken, it was not Uuzaj. The streets of her city was filled with the scent of spices and perfume. Smoke whirred from windows- scented with cedar.

Here, wherever she was, it smelled like marble. It smelled like stone, like ice. Distant whiffs of smoke just barely tickled her nose.

Numbness engulfed her as guards dragged her through the unfamiliar city, chains on her arms, blindfold around her eyes. Dragging her down steps, bumping her shoulders into their chestplates.

She, at last, was brought into a room- tied to a chair.

It was enraging and intriguing. Whoever had kidnapped her had done their research. They knew of her...Abilities. Her magic. 

At this moment, she wished she could summon darkness to her hands, ripping them to shreds. Feel their heartbeats stop- feel their bodies fall to the floor. 

She felt her magic locked away, rippling beneath her skin. Nearly tangible, and yet...

Her attention was drawn to behind her as footsteps echoed through the room. Large, lopsided footsteps that combined with the clink of metal perfectly. 

Cold hands covered with gauntlets brush past her ears, untying the blindfold and ripping it from her eyes.

The light seared her eyes- her first view of the room was a blur. A black cloud stood before her, and in her hazy vision, she could make out the shape of a man. And around this man- guards. They carried some sort of powder- a dust.

It was sorcerer's dust.


A damper on the senses. It worked only on those who possessed a natural inkling for the world around them. Magicians of sorts.

Like her.

They had to have been planning this for ages- the sorcerer's dust, the guards, the envoy to take her wherever she was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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