Chapter 6 - Past and Present Collide

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"Please still be there, please still be there, please still be there...!" Sideswipe hissed to himself as they navigated the streets of Crown City. "I want contact!"

"And I want somethin' to punch!" Grimlock added.

"Shh...!" Bumblebee murmured. "Not so loud...We're in a populated area, remember?"

The team paused as they heard shouts from a construction yard. "Contact!" Bumblebee hissed. "Finally...!"

They pulled over into the cover of some trees, transforming to robot mode to get a look at their mystery bot.

It was a femme, black with green markings and her face plate plastered with an excited expression from the heights of the metal structure already built, as she watched a familiar wolf-bot and third individual fight below.

Bumblebee smacked his forehead as he recognized the bot Steeljaw was fighting. "I should've recognized Knockout's sawblades from a clik away...!"

The former Decepticon medic was already bleeding energon from deep clawmarks across his body and face, and Steeljaw had a few cuts from the blades as well, but he had the sports car pinned down and it was clear that Knockout had taken the majority of the hits.

"You're weak, Doc...!" Steeljaw hissed. "...It's no wonder you decided to whimper out and join the Autobots."

Knockout spat energon from his mouth at the wolf-bot, making him growl as it landed on his muzzle. "At least I'm not on the way to being put in the ice box, you mutt...!"

"Aww!" the femme giggled. "Two mechs fighting over a pretty lady...!"

"Oversight. Brilliant." Bumblebee mumbled. "No wonder we couldn't identify her...!"

"You're familiar with this bot." Drift assumed.

"Yes...She used to be one of us, until she got hit in the helm during the war and it knocked a few screws loose. She's a rogue bot now. Not Autobot, not Decepticon. Helping nobody, pestering everybody. Nobody's been able to catch her, or else someone would certainly have fixed her by now."

Bumblebee nodded as he looked back at the fight. "We just need to wait for an opening and then-"

He was interrupted by Oversight giving an excited gasp as her optics met his. "Scrap."

"Well look who it is! Hello, Bubblebeam!"

"Scatter." Bumblebee informed, the team breaking off as the femme bot dashed towards them. Bumblebee dodged a punch by her and knocked her aside. "Oversight." He replied. "Always nice to see a familiar face. And it's Bumblebee."

"You remember me!" Oversight flipped back up onto her feet. "How delightful! It'll make your pounding that much more satisfying...!"

Steeljaw chuckled, turning back to Knockout. "Called in reinforcements, did you...?"

Knockout opened his mouth to respond, and then gave a pained yelp as Steeljaw stabbed him with something, his entire body stiffening up with his optics shut tightly in pain.

"No!" Bumblebee shouted.

"I see you've got your hands full, Bumblebee...As do I."

"Oh, you're not getting away that easy!" Sideswipe replied, transforming as Steeljaw did the same and taking off after Steeljaw down the street.

"Drift, go help Sideswipe!" Bumblebee ordered, and the samurai transformed and left as well.

"That was Sideswipe?" Oversight asked, grinning. "Boy, did he get a makeover. Look at that chassis...Rrrrowwww...!"

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