Part 2

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*You arrived at school*

Aph-Come on!!!

Y/n-Okay, Okay!!!

???-Hey Aph!!!

Aph-Oh, Hey Garroth!!!

Garroth-Uhm, who's this???

Aph-Oh!!! I'm so sorry, this is Jessica!!!

Garroth-Nice to meet you Jessica.

Y/n-You too.

Aph-Let's show Jess to the rest of the gang!!!


Y/n-So, I don't have a say in this?


*Aph and Garroth drag you to the gang*

???-Hey Aph, Garroth, Who's this???

Garroth-This is Jessica or Jess.

???-Nice to meet you!!! I'm Nichole!

Y/n-Nice to meet you too!!!(I guess)

Aph-Let's introduce you to everyone else now!!!!

Y/n- *sigh* Fine...

Aph-Good!!! This is....

Y/n- I zone off until someone with white hair and emerald green eyes showed up outta nowhere...

Aph-Travis what took you so long?!?!

I forgot to mention you came here in the middle of freshman year so Aph already knows everybody

Travis-Sorry, my dad was chewing me out because I don't have a girlfriend...

Aph-Uhm, Okay?

Travis-Yeah, But, who is this?!?!

Aph-Oh, Travis, meet Jessica, Jessica, meet Travis!!!



*The bell rings*

Aph-Time for class!!!! Do you need help???

Y/n-No, I'm a WereWolf so if I need I can just sniff it out...

Aph-Oh, Okay!!!

*You all go to class*

Btw Aph isn't the Alpha you are

*You sit beside Travis in class*

Travis-Hey, Jess!!!



Y/n-Oh!!!! Uhm, Yeah that's me!!!

Travis-I may be dumb but not that dumb!!!

Remember this is freshman Travis-he isn't a flirt yet-

Y/n-*sigh* You promise not to tell?


Y/n-Aphmau wouldn't leave me alone about it I just wanted to be a loner....

Travis-Okay? Are you emo?

Y/n-yeah, I guess...???

Travis-Please don't be another Zane...

Y/n- I'm not, I don't wanna hang with any losers..



Travis-You called the Shadow Knights losers!!!!

Y/n-Who, What now???

Travis-The Shadow Knights!!!!

Y/n-Oh, I was talking about you guys...


Y/n-anyways, the names y/n!!!


Y/n-Yeah, Whatever

A/n-I hope you enjoyed!!! Bye!!!

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