38 6 59

That title is definitely "LIT" 😂👌

Anyways welcome back to my randomness which has basically become a tag book 😂

Ma gurl u_can_mor_thn_u_see tagged me to do this challenge and you bet imma do it but seriously why're they the only person that tags me 😂

Seriously as u_can_mor_thn_u_see said what's with it always being 13 fact like come on I'm running out of facts that I haven't mentioned on my bio or in previous tags

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Seriously as u_can_mor_thn_u_see said what's with it always being 13 fact like come on I'm running out of facts that I haven't mentioned on my bio or in previous tags

Anyway let's get started

1) I have a bigass family (in both ways) like seriously I don't know how on earth you can know the whole fam when it's scattered around the won't and there are 300-400 of them (ya I don't know the exact amount but I know 300 is the minimum)

2) I just thought about it and I am basically my own aunt... 😨😱 (since my indirect grandma from my mom's side and my indirect great grandpa from my dad's side are married)... THAT MAKES MY MOM MY INDIRECT GRANDMA AT THE SAME TIME
my brain = 👾🔥 = 💣

3) I am the world's biggest procrastinator

4) I CAN NOT sleep more than 7 hours otherwise I'll feel exhausted like I overslept

5) I'm disconnected most of the time just watching from the background

6) I can be very observant or ignorant when I want to be and the closer I am to a person the more observant I am

7) I like writing about topics I'm interested in of my own free-will. If I'm being forced then forget it there's no inspiration coming out of this head

8) If I was born in a time without computers I would've probably never been here and just locked up in my room studying

9) I love cats

10) The only pets I've ever had were fish cuz my dad and brother are allergic

11) If I could turn back time I would go back to my childhood kinda like a spirit so I wouldn't interfere and just watch myself grow up like a fully imersive movie and just pick up on the details I never noticed or cared to look at

12) related to 5: sometimes I forget that I'm the main character of my own life as it revolves around everyone else and sometimes it feels like someone else is holding the controller to my life and I'm just a sim

13) If there's 1 thing I could change about society and most (not all) people's mindsets is that depression isn't a joke and it's not a phase either. I have friends that had/have depression I was a victim once too it's not fun and it's not something that just goes away and even when you think it's gone it will always linger inside waiting for a chance to take over again. In the last 4 years so many more people have fallen into it and everyone is different so it's harder to prevent or treat it but if I'm to say 1 thing it's just NEVER leave them alone 'giving them space' is the worst thing you can do

Escaping people is easy escaping your mind is impossible.


This one was long 😅 and sry for the sad vibes for some reason after I have a really tiring or fun day (tdy [Editor LUV: yesterday* I fell asleep before posting this 😅] was both) my mind tends to drift to these topic

Anyways I tag:

hopeworldhype (just cuz I'm evil 😂👌)

미안해 🙏 blame the tag for saying 15 people (+ I wanted give some people a break from being tagged all the time)

Good luck & cya next time 👋💕

Good luck & cya next time 👋💕

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