Part 1

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Lucy’s Pov :

Here we go, I’m finally going to meet them.. Gosh I’m so nervous!

I’ve been looking 3hours for what to wear

and I finally found something:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.d2k&fp=38503b0145a5ccfd&biw=800&bih=441&

*car ride with Harry*

Lucy: Harrryyy??

Harry: Yeaaahh?

Lucy: What if they don’t like me?

Harry: They won’t.

Lucy: Whaat?!

Harry: Haha, calm down love. They’ll love you sis,

they haven’t met you yet and they already love you, they said it yesterday..

Lucy: okay, … wait! What if I say

something stupid and they don’t like me anymore?!

Harry: Calm down love, there is nothing to worry about.

Lucy: if you say so..

*End off car ride*

Whoaah, we’re finally here!! Aaahh this is sooo cool!

I can’t wait to meet them! Haarryyyyy comeee ooooon!

‘I'm coming’ I heard Harry yell, I know I am annoying him right now.

But, come on, it is One Direction after all!

Who wouldn’t scream?! Yeah I thought so :p

Paul let us in and we went straight too the ‘‘relax room’’.

There they were.. I saw, Zayn and Liam playing soccer and

Louis yelling at Zayn because he was loosing,

but.. but where is Niall? I thought to myself.

Luuuccccyyyyy!!! The boys yell at the same time.

The boys came up to me and I was about too give a handshake

but instead they give me a big hug. We talked a while but then I had to ask..

Heey Lou? Where is Niall? ‘I dunno’ Louis said..

Niall’s Pov:

I went to the bathroom but when I came back I heard a girls voice..

weird, I thought to myself.. Ohh yeah, I forgot!

Harry’s annoying little sister is going too be here too ugh..

I walked into the room and there she was.. Damn! She was dead beautiful!

When her eyes met mine, I felt this weird feeling in my stomach,

something that had died a long time before. But she quickly looked away.

I was about too say something but then Paul called us to start the concert..

Lucy’s Pov:

I heard a door open and close, when I looked, there he was, Niall Horan,

The boy with the blue eyes, blonde hair and Irish accent..

It hurted, you probarely ask why huh? Well, he reminds me of my boyfriend..

Not in a good way ofcourse, so I looked away quickly..

He was about to say something but then Paul called the boys to go on stage..


-----How would this end huh? What do you think that is going to happen?

Lets guess! Message me what you think about it please! This is my first EVER :D

#SoProud :p

Lots of love!! xx

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