Hidden Away Love

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Eve ran down the stairs and threw on her trainers. They were a bit on the tatty side, but she figured it didn't matter since they were still comfortable. She grabbed her keys and put on her over the shoulder bag, before yelling goodbyes to her family. She was about to leave when a yawning Beatrice appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Can I come with you, today? Please?" she asked politely, rubbing her eyes with her fists in a way that was so cute it made Eve want to say yes.

"I'm sorry. Not today, love. I'm uhhh meeting with Elle and we're going to ermmm stay out all day?" Eve hesitated. She hated lying openly to little Beatrice like that. But she couldn't have a tag along today. No, not today. "Tomorrow?" Eve asked Beatrice, whose frown instantly disappeared and was replaced with a wide grin. She ran up to her elder sister, Eve, and flung her arms around her, and squeezed her tightly before releasing her and stepping back.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes? We can go to the duck pond and have a picnic if you want" Eve told Beatrice.

"Yes, thanks so much, Eve!" Beatrice replied, giving Eve another huge hug before marching off towards the kitchen, probably for breakfast.

Eve sighed, and ran out of the door, sprinting for the forest. That was close. Too close. She slowed down and began walking through the trees. At one point she thought she was lost, after all, she hadn't been in the forest for a fairly long time. It brought back bad memories. After a few minutes, however, she came across a small clearing, and suddenly she knew exactly where she was going.In barely no time at all, she had made it to the thicker part of the forest. There were more trees, more bushes, more wildlife and no people this far in to the forest. The place was overgrown from when she had come last year. She opened her bag and had a feel around before her hands rested on her good ol' shears. She cut away at one of the bushes, and slowly a door handle appeared, and she smiled. She had found it.


"It's magnificent!" Eve gasped, as her father removed his hands from her eyes.

"Anything for my daughter" he smiled, and opened the door, inviting Eve in. He had somehow managed to hook the place up with electric, gas and even water! Eve asked her father how many a time, but he would just wink and say 'magic'.

"This is our secret, Eve. You must not tell anyone, not even mother. There will be one other who you must let in, though, and you must be careful. You will know to let this person in when you meet them, but be careful. You must not let yourself get attatched to them in any way. Someday, Eve, you will understand. Let the bushes grow around it to keep it hidden, but make the door accessible and trim around the windows. Tell me what you want, dear, and you shall have it, but you must keep it here, alright?" he asked her so seriously that all Eve could do was nod.

Eve loved her den to bits, and she soon had everything she needed there. She even had two bathrooms, a kitchen, five bedrooms, a front room, dining room and more. She had no idea how he did it. Her father began leaving her money there for her to spend on food, clothes and more furniture to have there. She had more than enough money than she needed for her age, but she saved it for a day that she would need it.


Eve walked in and grinned at the familiarness of it all. It brought back memories, both happy and sad. The place looked like it needed some cleaning, but other than that it was fine. She changed into some jogging bottoms and a loose tank top, before deciding to go for a walk.She took her money so that she could top up on food, drinks and maybe some more shampoo, too. She was heading back when she saw someone in the clearing. He had with him a backpack and two suitcases, but they were only small.

"Are you lost? I can help you back to the main road, if you'd like. Where are you going?" Eve asked tje boy. He looked about her age. He just stood there, stunned, so she tried again.

"Whats you're name" she asked this time.

"I'm Matthew Higgins...I...I don't really know where I'm going, you see, I'm looking for a Mr. Daniel Collins. Do you know him?" the boy replied, finally speaking. Eves mouth formed a perfect 'O' as she slowly answered.

"He's my father." she said slowly, fighting back a tear.

"Great! Where is he?" Matthew asked, now smiling, obviously ignoring the upset look that Eve was giving him. Eve hesitated.

"He's dead."

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