Chapter 2:Getting to know each other

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Matthews P.O.V

Oh dear, this was not good. Dead dad, how was I supposed to know! As if this couldn't be any more awkward than it already is. Shes...crying? Oh, this is not good. Why me? Wait, if hes dead, where am I supposed to go. I'll never be allowed back home, thats for sure and I thought I could go stay with my godfather, like he had suggested all those years ago when my father started heavily drinking. I look at her. I wish I could comfort her, but how?

"I'm...I'm sorry, I...was just...just being a bit silly! Silly me" she tries, attempting a smile.

"I had no idea, if I had known..." I start, but Eve interrupts me.

"Its not your fault, you weren't to know. Anyway, why were you here to visit... My father." she asks, pausing towards the end to wipe a tear.

"He is...or I guess, was, my godfather. He used to visit a lot when I was younger. My father started to umm, well do something he shouldn't have, and your father told me that if it got...too bad to come and stay with him.Ta Da!" I sigh, why am I so stupid? Ta Da, what was that all about? Arghh she thinks I'm an idiot. I really don't want to let on too much about my father to her, I'm not sure if she'd understand.

"Oh." she replies.

"Yeah." I say, staring at my trainers and fidgeting a bit. "Do you know any where I could stay in town, then? I don't have that much money but I could probably stay somewhere?" I tell her. Okay, I lied, I have a fair amount of money, but not enough to get me anywhere.

"I think I know of a place you can stay, its not that far..."

Eves P.O.V

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I seriously think that this is the person father told me about all theses years ago. A friend of my fathers is a friend of mine...or at least a godson of my fathers is a godson of mi- wait, that wouldn't work. Godbrother? OK, I'm officially making no sense whatsoever, but oh well. I look up at him and see him sporting a very fake smile. I wonder why. He obviously liked talking about his father just as much I do mine, I could see him shifting uncomfortably and he didn't...well lets just say he wasn't too open about himself, was he? Well, I guess I am just the same, then.

"Where is this place, could you take me there?" he asks. I guess I'm giving him a weird look, because he continues "I don't know my way around and everything here."

"Oh...uh, yeah of course." I reply. I sound so childish, stuck on my words like this.

"Do you have any idea how much I'll have to pay?" he obviously wasn't made of money.

"Absolutely nothing."


"You..." I pause, taking a deep breath, "Are staying with me."

"I am?"

"You'll see" I tell him, dragging him by the arm towards my den. I hope I'm doing the right thing, I really do...



Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Updates will be random, and I am going to make them much longer. I almost deleted this story, to be honest, but I decided against it, and updated before I ran out of inspiration. It will get funnier and stuff like that, I'm not big on sad stories, which you may find weird. Uhm...yeah :) read my other books perhaps? Oh and dedication for this chappie is TimelordsTARDIS for the positive feedback, it means so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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